Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

Possibly, dont think it was me…sure I’m bating them off with a stick.

I see Pierre Kory has allied himself with the spiritual king of the anti-vaccine cult, Robert Kennedy Junior.

It’s uncanny how correct I was about him.

surely if anyone know anything about the dangers of shots, its a kennedy

It’s gas how countries with the stereotype of their citizens doing the right thing and obeying the law etc, like Germany, Austria, NL are in the shit, while the likes of Spain, where the stereotype is the opposite, are faring out better.

RFK Junior’s brain resembles his uncle’s after Lee Harvey Oswald had done with him.

Some going to manage that without any shots.

Oh dear! The poor man.

"“I have been on ivermectin for 16 months, my wife and I,” Dr Bruce Boros told the audience at the event held at the World Equestrian Center in Ocala, adding: “I have never felt healthier in my life.”

The 71-year-old cardiologist and staunch anti-vaccine advocate contracted Covid-19 two days later, according to the head event organizer, Dr John Littell.

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In fairness he probably doesn’t have worms.


The anti vaxxers are pushing hard for Darwin nominations.

Well, let’s hope Dr Boros survives. He’d have a better chance at his age if he’d been vaccinated but he seems to have been a pretty healthy individual up till now so maybe his chances are good.

Of course there is a quandary here. If he survives he’ll no doubt put it down to the Ivermectin and continue to campaign against vaccinations which would be a poor result but as caring people, unlike the anti-vaccine mob, we hope for the best outcome for him.

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are these cattle dosing freaks still getting attention?

@Rocko lock this thread, these dangerous tin foil hat wearing bastards are spreading dangerous lies

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Someone needs to tell 365 million uttar pradeshian and Japanese lads that it doesn’t work and that they should have been dying or hiding instead. I’d say the Japanese minister of health will be gutted.

Terrific news from Japan. Might be nsp 14, might be genetic…but the smart money is on ivermectin
Night lads

Arch predator of disinformation Steve Kirsch has been kicked off Twitter. Just the 20,000 odd other lying grifters left to go.

Ivermectin lads. Horse it inta ya

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Pierre Kory is a corrupt grifter alright.

Jesus alex needs to tell tony Holohan not to clear out the office just yet.

Tony knows the whole shebang is about to fall apart…Time to get out of Dodge

Just when tony comes round to the fox news way of thinking that it’s all a cod, tucker and co decide theres so many of us vaccinated it’s actually a huge danger again and we’re all going to die. I haven’t seen this much pivoting since Bernard Flynn was in his pomp.

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Yet more peer reviewed studies…150k involved in the Brazilian study. Even a small fortnightly dose led to 70% reduction in infections, hospitalisation and death.