Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

He can ask them to throw in a test for GF
when they test him for Covid 19

Nah man. He’s going to have to tough it out.

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No surrender.

Have you tried cocaine?

have you got some?

Some say it’s a very selfish drug. Not a bad trait when self isolating.

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Please take this trivial issue to another thread. We’re trying to cure COVID-19 here.

Did Trump invent hydroxychloroquine himself or what?

No mate, he heard about it from reading TFK.

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Heard a top uk virologist on bbc r4 yesterday. Gave a very measured explanation of the various stages of testing, procurement, licensing, approval etc that a new treatment must go through before it could be used…eighteen months or so he smugly proniunced. I’d have shoot him between the eyes.
Give me trump any day.

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That needs to be sped up, especially for the vaccine. It’s obvious that this is a situation where they can’t wait to follow the 18 month testing for the vaccine, that’s just not an option.

Whatever about a vaccine…I f some lad’s at death’s door they’d condescending chuckle at his impatience for treatment and roll their eyes at his disrespect for protocol. The world is in a mess. That insidious wannabe napoleon robert swann bemoaned having to make decisions in hours that would normally take years. 9mm between the eyes, not a word said.


I’d it already exists?


Dr Trump to the rescue

Drugs that exist for other ailments may work

To help recover but not act as a vaccine

Did you read the article? Fucking thought he was a fish.
Natural selection.

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We don’t need a vaccine anymore. We’ve already had it and beaten it. Pints for everyone