Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

what are the symptoms? I think I have it.

I said “If it’s true”…

I also believe in God, just not your God.

Are you a hypochondriac?

Seems a bit naive for a fervent atheist.

I’m not an atheist.

You should just admit this is what you want to happen because everybody knows full well you do.

no… I’ve been off for about 6 weeks now. Totally fatigued, especially after any form of exercise. Tight glands in throat and sore throat feeling… Mostly just wiped out tho and no amount of sleep does anything for it. Got bloods done but nothing showed up except raised biliruben levels , was supposed to go for another round but everything is in lock down Now.

Probably the flu, it’s been bad enough this year and 4-6 weeks isn’t unusual to recover fully.

I got the jab tho. I know that doesn’t 100% mean you won’t get it…but still.

It’s only about 50% effective at best most years.

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Welcome to middle age. Your body is in decline. Embrace it.


Glandular fever?

I never thought of that. I better go check Dr. Google… All joking aside, there were a few days following a game of footie where I was just exhausted like id never been before… Coffee would be the only thing to help.

It’s your hormones … ‘why we eat (too much)’ explains it all…either that or maybe your wife is poisoning you.
This might help:

Well so much for the exercise regimes, the dietary advice and all that clean/healthy living horseshit.
Young lads like you are gone too soft. I’m looking at a pair of ours the same as yourself in age and habits.
As wake as day old goslings, but well fit to give lectures on the shocking results of a few cuts of fried bread to add to a bit of breakfast.
You’ll need to toughen up, all that fighting on t’internet has eroded your immune system.
Have you a will made out of curiosity?

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I had glandular fever in my early twenties. Was wrecked for weeks and then I got the GF rash. I reckon it took me months to get back to normal.

Did they test for it ? It does not always show up at start. Mine didn’t. When I got the rash they thought I had rubella at first. My first experience of isolation. I was warned to stay at home and away the fuck from anyone who could be pregnant

I’ve had some bad throat issues knee the years with the mumps, quincy and glandular fever and that sounds very much like the latter alright.

Should come up in a blood test though.

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You’ve a point there… But in fairness to me, I never let it stop me getting out playing ball or carrying out any of my many other duties.

That’s what it looks like alright.