Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

Nearing? He skipped that hurdle a while back iirc

Sounds like a job for @Copper_pipe.

Was taking a moment to think of myself here.

Last week Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer sent a letter to all doctors in her state threatening them with “administrative action” if they prescribed hydroxychloroquine to patients with COVID-19.

Yesterday Gov. Whitmer asked the Federal government to release some of it’s supplies of hydroxychloroquine to her state.

Politicians are indeed a funny lot.

You’d think you’d at least have read the headline on your link. It would have told you that the Michigan Governor’s surname is Whitmer, not Whitman.

Really glad you spotted that. Can bin the info now. Sound.


You can generally bin pretty much anything the Chloroqueen says.

It’s the little victories isn’t it?

Seems like taking a Vitamin D supplement might be a wise idea incase you do contract COVID-19. Plenty credible research online suggests same.

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Always a good idea, especially for people who don’t get much sunlight. Calcium also important for absorbing D.

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CNN are absolutely seething that there aren’t 10 million Americans dead already.

There are very good reasons to expect that hydroxychloroquine and quinine work to reduce the immune response that is sending lots of younger people to the hospital. It’s an individual doctor’s decision whether to approve it or not, many are and many aren’t.

There’s a hand picked doctor on CNN now saying let people die, because hydroxychloroquine could kill them. Even though hydroxychloroquine has been administered in much higher dosages for malaria for 70 years and has very few side effects.

Does quinine help improve pH level ?

Not that I know of. Any carbonated drink slightly increases ph. The easiest way to increase ph in the body is baking soda, a healthy ph is 7.4, slightly alkaline.

Get on it… Improve your pH levels. It’s the key to beating any virus.

Has anybody here told Klop about this hydroxychloroquine?

Have you been keeping this from us?
