Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

Yes. Before we go in to a possible lock down I want lads prepared … Watch how pH levels drop as viruses take hold. Particularly ones that attack the lungs … If you want a truly healthy life you need to lead a more alkaline balanced diet and lifestyle. Meat + dairy needs to go or be kept to a minimum - Sort your water out. If you are keeping meat, poultry and fish in your diet make sure it’s balanced with alkaline foods such as spinach, avocados and peas etc.

The more acidic a lifestyle you lead the more prone you are to illness and death by that illness.

Get that pH up.



I agree with all this but I’ve lamb shanks in the slow cooker mate. Manana!

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It’s also worth noting that Germany eats a lot of fermented foods - and while this contains acid, it also is contains lots of vitamin C, prebiotics and probiotics …

Gut health is key guys.

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What I find remarkable about the US. It’s not just how open and obvious it is that they are bribing politicians, it’s how ridiculously cheap it is to do so.

Oil companies spend about $200m a year lobbying. Sure they wouldn’t get out of bed for it

I’m surprised that this hasn’t been picked up by more posters. I’ve been taking a good quality vitamin C supplement, as well as homemade kefir. It’s also helped to give me a very positive outlook through the lockdown - the gut-brain axis, I believe it’s called.

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Conspiracy theory.
Hydroxychloroquine is a generic drug with a number of brand names, made by a number of drug companies. Novartis who are one of the manufacturers have just announced they are donating 130 million doses, and are scaling up production to donate more.
They don’t sound like the bad guys.

There’s a few drug companies donating as far as I know.

I’d have thought it was obvious that Trump’s fascination with it was that it could be the “cure” and get things moving again, with him the “hero” who endorsed it. Ego is more important to him than money.

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Trump babbling about it at every press conference is bizarre and the media’s obsession with it is equally bizarre. The reality is lots of doctors are prescribing it, and that has nothing to do with Trump mentioning it.

The CNN reporter who keeps trying to start a row with Fauci over it needs a good kick in the bollox.



In the biggest survey conducted to date, 6,227 doctors from around the world ranked hydroxychloroquine as the most effective therapy for COVID-19. Results by country:

Spain 75%, Italy 53%, China 44%, France 29%, US 23%, UK 13%.

But should what would all these doctors know.

Mate ----- chloroquine raises pH level :clap: :clap: :clap:

It’s all about pH. I implore lads here to follow a more alkaline diet.

Quin for the win

Labane, Labane, Labane

Some of the most incredible internetting ever witnessed in the history of the planet.
Well done to all concerned.

pH, pH, pH

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Would you recommend lemon?

In like Quin

I would. Lemon in water.