J1 - Summer in the Sun

Anyone watching Bertie should change to RTE2.

Watch the wild exploits as Irish students go Stateside for a summer of drunken fun.

The group in San Diego are probably the worst group of people I’ve ever seen.

Anyone who admits to watching this tripe at the same time as the Bertie doc should be banned from this board immediately

Football Matters on Setanta Sports 1 for me as usual on a Monday night.

Fook Bertie.

fcukin lipstick jungle is on here

The fuck is wrong with you people

Bertie’s old news - J1 is where it’s at!

Recorded Bertie for someone so no point in watching it twice.

Watched a bit of Bertie - doesn’t compare with J1, not even close.

You’ll probably see more tits in the Bertie documentary.

The D4 knobheads were annoying in fairness.

You just know they aren’t the typical students scrimping and saving but instead ring Daddy for more funds.

Could be funny when they’re doing job interviews in a couple of years time and the interviewer recognises them as the gobshites that made a fool of themselves on national television.


I think there’s boobies on it next week so I’ll be tuning in.

Jesus I am so glad I don’t subject myself to this.

RTE are in trouble for this programme. I know the guy who pitched this to them over two years ago, they dismissed it. Then all of a sudden it’s going from this summer, his initial Legal advice is they are goosed, and will have to pay out.

He should be ashamed to claim it as his own.

Well i’m sure he couldn’t give a shit about the quality of it, but anyone would be well pissed off with the situation. As one of the lads said the other night, all he lost was a day in Dublin with his idea, now he could get a few bob out of it.

I was in the US with a bunch of J1’s* and I hope to God we didn’t look like the bunch of plonkers and Daddy’s boys that were on the 5 mins or so that I watched last night.

The look on the face of one of the lads when he was told 15 bucks in all you can drink was priceless though. We had a bar close to us that offered 10 bucks in all you can drink, but that was over 10 years ago now. Plus it was just bottles of beer, vodka shorts were a dollar and Jegamister (spl) was 2 bucks. 4 nights a week too, he owner nearly cried when we were going home in Sept.

*15 of us in a 2 bed bungalow, 2 of us including myself went over on a 3 month “holiday”.

Didn’t see it. But I’d bet the gaff t’wasn’t a bit like it was back in 87 & 88.

Jesus the chances we took

I was in San Diego recently enough and the guys on the ferrys from Coronado island were saying that the Irish students were mental. They said they “brightened things up” but they were only saying that cos I was there. I reckon that when they talk among themselves they say what a mess the Irish are.
Its true though. Anyone under 24 has no idea what money is.
Yours etc,

I see reports of up to five Irish J1 students being killed in a balcony collapse in California

5 people dead and ‘a number’ of Irish among them reportedly

bloody hell

Jesus that’s tragic.

Out celebrating Tupac’s 44th birthday.