J1 - Summer in the Sun

Jaysus. Berkeley was a good spot when I went over. Wonder was there too many people on the balcony and it was built like shit?

Lads very sad. Poor kids just saw the news

Very sad

Good thing Colm Galvin has decided to come home from his trip

Fucking hell. That’s horrendous.

:eek: :frowning:


Jesus. RIP.

Terrible stuff. Some horrific phone calls need to made in the next few hours. :frowning:

[QUOTE=“Big Mick McCarthy, post: 1159731, member: 1137”]Very sad

Good thing Colm Galvin has decided to come home from his trip[/QUOTE]

I imagine this is God’s way of punishing Ireland for voting Yes to gay marriage. The San Francisco Bay Area is a noted liberal and pro-gay rights stronghold, it all ties in, really.

I imagine any forum members with balconies will now be thinking twice about inviting people to their apartment for social functions.

Young lads having the crack.

Looks like this ‘number’ will be 5 :frowning:

Apparently they were in some sort of apartment block that is described as “luxury student accommodation”. From photos the balcony looks very small so there must have been a load of them standing out on it. Still, no balcony should ever collapse like that. Tragic.

Was there two summers in a row. Septic stuff.

An Irish 21st birthday party----- I met someone recently who was telling me his daughter was going over to that exact spot for the summer… can’t remember who for the life of me, must be terrifying waiting on a call.


5 dead and 8 injured - all Irish

what kinda numbers would you have of Irish people who head to Berkley for the summer? Would it be in the 100’s?

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1159745, member: 183”]I imagine this is God’s way of punishing Ireland for voting Yes to gay marriage. The San Francisco Bay Area is a noted liberal and pro-gay rights stronghold, it all ties in, really.

I imagine any forum members with balconies will now be thinking twice about inviting people to their apartment for social functions.[/QUOTE]

Take this shit to the YBIG forum


Well over a 1000.

Saying now that most of the party goers were Dubs but naturally people from other counties in attendance…

How long before some ridiculous facebook page pops up so attention seekers can jump on the mourning bandwagon?