J1 - Summer in the Sun

They should be all fucked off to some remote village in Africa for three months once they turn 18. Mandatory. No iPhones allowed. See how the little brats are after that.

The lot of em circumsized too…

They’re young, they would work and piss it away anyway. Exactly what US college students do as well.

Your anecdote has 3 out of 10 unable to find work because they were drinking. On a 2-3 month trip where most of them have never been away from home that is not that many. They didn’t try too hard so had to come home…and?

The point I was making on the J1 back in the day was before free fees many went over to make some money to help pay fees. As fees are slowly creeping back this will be the case again for students.

Are you delusional… I didn’t ask for a full report on the other 7 but from what I gathered it was sporadic work and more or less eating each other’s shite just to survive. None of them are going there to save ffs. Mammy and Daddy will be paying fees, just like they did for Bruce/tutorial college which bought their leaving cert points.

So what is your point here, college students living cheaply and drinking?

What a revelation.

I think Mr Trump and I have made our point and if youre too thick to see what it is then that’s just too bad. Of course, being a public school rugger boy yourself this frat boy, heaving drinking bum humour type culture doesn’t seem anything out of the ordinary to you. It’s just a right of passage that you’ll talk about in years to come with your arse gouging fat friends.

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This is what passes as ‘banter’ to these rugby frat boys on a j1…


How exactly could an unqualified, inexperienced person sage money by moving abroad for a couple of months in the summer? It’s a holiday and the whole J1 seems to be taken advantage of by the affluent middle classes.


The deposits being paid for houses are outrageous, even when there are 10 of them bundled in… that’s also coming from their parents tho. It would be cheaper if their parents just bought them a bottle of vodka everyday for the 3 months of summer in Ireland. But i suppose, they’d be missing out on all that culture that theyd be getting in America.

Was a major issue last summer in California where consul general had to step in as j1 students were amending their passports so they could drink. U.S. Take a dim view of amending passports, homeland security etc and it is a felony which can attract serous jail time. Students were incredulous and just could not see the problem

Back in what fucking day? Not in the last 20 years anyway.

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Stop lashing out wildly, pal. You’ll do yourself a mischief.

How do you amend your passport? Is that not a serious offence under Irish law, nevermind Homeland Security in the States.

Yeah it is serious but Ireland has a different attitude to law and order. Also different if you need an invalid passport that has been seized to travel home and need to apply for a new emergency one. Being amended using a computer and printer and transfers.
Students had that combination of stupidness superiority that comes from being young and privileged.

Outrageous attitude… But shur, they are young and having the craic.

Calm down.

An amended colour photo copy of your passport is sufficient for purchase of alcohol. You hardly think these educated individuals are stupid enough to tamper with their actual passport while in another country.

My student summers were spent on various building sites in Ireland and across Europe saving for my fees, honing my muscular arms and hardening my mentality. These cunts don’t know they were fucking born.

In saying that, the weekends were spent off my tits on ecstasy so each to their own I suppose.


Name one state in the US where any thing besides an original copy of an official government issued ID is allowed to purchase alcohol.


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