J1 - Summer in the Sun

Up on the Dfa.ie j1 webpage

Falsifying or altering a passport is a criminal offence and in the US a federal offence, punishable by fine, imprisonment and/or refusal of future entry to America

I blame the concussions they have suffered


Faggots. They should be flogged the lot of em.

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You would be wrong mate… https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/125/I/085

It basically leaves it up to whoever is serving to make a call on what they want to except

“any other form of identification or proof of age acceptable to the licensee or permittee before providing alcohol beverages to the person or allowing the person to enter the premises for which the license or permit has been issued.”

Another fella talking through his hole… http://www.tamnevada.com/valid-identification/

Casinos in Vegas regularly accept other ID

Free fees? There has always been a registration fee, mate- €1800- €2400 … or something like that over the last 15 years.

€800 to €1000 in my day (6 to 10 years ago)

Touching on 3k now I think

It was deffo €1200 in around 2008/9… Chewy got in right at the peak of the boom i’d say.

2005 to 2009. Think it was €800 for my first year and it went up 10% or so year on year for the four years from what I recall. Was in and around the €1000 mark for my final year

Damn fucking right if he’s not in an official capacity he’s treated like a normal Joe.

Oh my god I was just loike oh my god but toatally it was loike oh my god loike.

Fucking 20 years of age and doesn’t know what the leader of her country looks like. We’re heading the way of the yanks. We’re fucked.


Some things never change

From Blanchardstown. Not sure I like your stereotyping here, bit problematic.

What do you mean, bro? You assume everyone from Blanchardstown is thick? Mine was more a blanket generailisation on young snowflakes of today.

The cringiest part of this was Leo('s PR people) responding to her tweet and telling her to have a “gr8” summer. Down with da kidz.


She was on the radio this morning, she came across - not surprisingly - as being as thick as a ditch.

“He’s my fave Taoiseach.” :rollseyes:

Society is fucked.