Joe Canning, Unquestionably the GOAT

Younger hurler of the year, man of the match in an all ireland final and of course an all ireland senior medal in his two seasons at inter county level isn’t bad for a journeyman hurler. He boasts a 100 percent record in all ireland senior hurling finals too. What is joe the cowards record in all ireland senior hurling finals like?

Mainly the usual suspects that no one would pay any notice to but there’s a few lads amongst them would want to pause and take a bit of a look at themselves.

In fairness to Kev, he knew when to call it a day having made a show of himself on the internet a couple of times too often. It’s a pity some amongst us wouldn’t have the sense to do the same.


Kev gave his opinion. He was wrong. When you shoot from the hip you always end up looking stupid at some point. I’d never knock a fella for having an opinion good, bad or indifferent. One thing is for sure we’d be much better off with kev back on here posting and a tulip like you disappearing.

All because I had an opinion on the crowd in Thurles


No you said I was back tracking. Totally different.

YHOTY - voted for by simpletons
MOTM - They gave that to a manager once, voted for by simpletons

Calm down young man, you’ll disappear up his hole entirely one of these days.

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Fuck off you creep

Throw up another photo of ‘kyler’ there for the shits and giggles.

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Our grandkids will one day be talking about the great Kyle Hayes :joy:

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Get it right, It’ll be “Kyle the Great” they’ll refer to him as.

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I heard one of the limerick lads interviewed recently. He was saying how Joe going to college there and having a business still there hugely inspired a lot of the current county players and younger lads coming through.

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Joe has done an awful lot for the people of Limerick, highly doubtful they could have taken their hurling to the next level without his guidance


The Joe Canning special at Camile is a regular post training meal for the hurlers. The footballers arent allowed in there and head to Donkey Fordes

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Fact. I’d say seeing him reach the pinnacle in 2017 really gave them the belief they too could get there. It’s amazing the influence Joe has on people all the same.

He was late leaving Croke Park last year to sign most of the Limerick squads hurls, this is a fact. He got some of the names wrong but what harm


**[quote=“Lazarus, post:1451, topic:5179, full:true”]

He was late leaving Croke Park last year to sign most of the Limerick squads hurls, this is a fact. He got some of the names wrong but what harm

That doesn’t surprise me at all to be honest. A class act both on and off the field. Just goes to show an aul autograph from Joe is much sought after even after winning the all Ireland. He probably gave one of them his jersey too knowing Joe.



He thought Limerick how to dine in style and how to be winners. That’s Joe for you

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