January Transfer Window 2021

The report I used showed that 25% of players in the EFL were not tested at all in an entire season.

The Italian football leagues has roughly the same amount of teams so it’s safe to assume that the figures were similar to there.

Your real bone of contention should be France.

The Italian football leagues have a far more rigorous testing system and have had for decades.

Dude the figures are right there in the article. They carried out just 2% more tests during 2016 than England.


You keep affirming that with yourself but you’re too stupid to realise that in Italy they actually have a stringent drugs testing system that aims to catch dopers when in England it is just a box ticking exercise.

Again you have no proof of this whatsoever.

England has banned Abel Xavier, Rio Ferdinand and Abel Xavier for infringements.

Fiorentina alone has had four former players die in suspicious circumstances in the last 20 years.

You can drown alone in your ignorance for the evening. if you’ve anything concrete to add other than the screams of a buffon then I look forward to reading them tomorrow.


Suspicisous circumstances?

Your sense of loyalty to the EPL franchise is infantile.

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Sure the Italians invented the abuse of EPO. Michele Ferrari anyone?

The pretend Italian who obsesses over the EPL got a kicking here today.


EPL Footix circling the wagons here.

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Any transfer news lads?

The pretend Italian and EPL obsessive is suffering withdrawal symptoms since the league has ended.


Ah FFS sake. Another thread ruined with his sexual frustration the closet Kloppaholic

Eric Garcia is going back to Barca.

Far be it from me to question the good people at the Gazetta dello Sport.

You disappointed to see him go? Still fierce young

Jaysus no mate. More power to the lad. Hes a Catalan and came up through La Masia. He’ll be a terrific player though.

Dying of luekemia is suspicious?

Are you brain damaged yourself?

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I see what happened here.

You failed to read to the end of the paragraph that explains the reasoning behind labelling the deaths as ‘suspicious’.

Have a go again there.