January Transfer Window 2021

Italy has always led the way on drugs testing in football, there is a zero tolerance to it, testing has always been extensive and wide ranging.

In England they just turn a blind eye to it, the same in other European countries.

How do Liverpool go from a team who were routinely collapsing in the last 20 minutes of games two seasons ago to being superfit animals who never tire or pick up injuries two years later?

It’s very, very suspicious.

Man City and Liverpool are clearly doping

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Jaysus you are some gobshite

75% of players have been tested? That’s some going.

Also did you scroll down and see what the difference between the England and the UK is for testing?


Maradona was coked off his head for the six odd years he played in the country.

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You’re talking about the 80s, mate.

Well done on posting a graph from the BBC.

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Well done on posting the link where that graph was included from the BBC.

Yes, a quarter of EFL players weren’t tested.

Do you have a problem reading?

None whatsoever, I don’t believe I questioned that number. I merely point out that practically the same number of samples were taken in the Italian Leagues.


Have you a point?

The testing in the UK is nowhere near as stringent. They weren’t even checking for EPO about 10 years back in the UK.

The very news article that you are quoting from shows that 2,557 samples were taken in Italy as opposed to 2,519 in England.

Read your own sources.

I asked you if you have a point. Rather than just repeating a statistic, can you let me know what it is?

Sorry I presumed you you have enough sense to grasp that this is a miniscule difference in the amount of samples taken and could not form the basis of a claim that one jurisdiction has a testing scheme that is ‘nowhere near as stringent’.

You’re the one mentioning samples.

I said that the EPL don’t pay any attention to drugs in football. About 10 years ago they weren’t even testing players for EPO.

:thinking: You do realise that testing and taking samples are one and the same?

That’s absolutely incorrect.

I will repeat this for the third time. Doping controls in UK football were not even testing for EPO about 10 years ago. Doping controls and testing in Italy have always been far, far more stringent than the UK. Try and digest that one.

Hold up there buddy, you were quoting an article that the BBC produced using WADA statistics to hammer the level of testing in the England compared to Italy in 2016.

England conducted 98% of the amounts of tests that Italy did during that time period according the same article.

Stop trying to change the goalposts on your claims to ten years further back again.


I see you’re refusing to address that up until a decade ago, UK authorities weren’t even bothering to test for EPO.

Why is that?

I’ll have a look that when you admit that the report you used did not highlight a massive difference between the testing in England and Italy in 2016.