Job Interviews

A big day for the forum tomorrow :laughing:


for some reason, john cleese in clockwise springs to mind :smiley:

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Here, while Iā€™m super excited for you and your progress up the slippery ladder of advancement, will this proposed new position impact in any way with the annual COTY finalā€¦ā€¦

Youā€™ll have to explain to the interviewer the enormous prestige attached to the award and your absolutely crucial role in its resolution.

The best of luck to yourself and indeed @fenwaypark tomorrow.

A forum holds its breathā€¦ā€¦


Best of luck. Tone down the Corkness and youā€™ll be grand!

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Good luck. Is it for the number 2? 2 carkies at the top would be somethingā€¦ or is he off and youā€™re going for the big job??

Number 2


Best of luck Fenners. Treat interviews like a conversation between 2 people and youā€™ll be fine because thatā€™s all they are at the end of the day.

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Actually makes you no.1 ā€¦ Best of luck with it.

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I suspect he may need to dial it up to 11 to get this one.

Best of luck @fenwaypark.

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One thing thats probably of no use whatsoever but you know yourself. A mate of mine is vice in a northside school. Down to the last few, she had done the necessary thinking about the religious governance side of her school as there are still remnants of it on the board of her school. Not sure what your board is obviously but im sure thereā€™s some requirements.
Best of luck.

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Get escorted off the premises and get paid for your notice period. Living the dream

Knocked three months out of it once, and I had nothing lined up.


Best of luck Fenners.

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An interview is a lot like a marathon - show that you are smart and that you know your stuff. Show your strength by giving examples of how youā€™ve changed peoples lives through being a confident, being loyal and showing empathy. Finally, show heart, what it would mean for the team, for you and for your family. Best of luck Fenners and Copper

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go get it.

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Flat out, no looking back. Top speed all the way.

Best of luck @fenwaypark

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We worked that out on Monday :handshake:

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show you the door. ā€œweā€™ll call youā€

After been inspired by @Copper_pipe i applied for 2 jobs at the weekend and now have 2 first round interviews. I was able to schedule both myself. One after the other on teams or phone. Shrewdness.


I did a remote interview sometime in 2021. I did it from my office in Galway City as its a grand quiet spot where noone would bother you and it was particularly quiet during covid.

I had overlooked one thingā€¦ The local disability services arts team sometimes use our car park for events. About 10 minutes into the interview, out of the corner of my eye I spot a full brass band with accompanying drummers waltzing into the car park and line up just below my window. The racket was something savage for a few minutes and then they proceeded to do laps of the car park playing the instrumentsā€¦ I had to come clean with the interview panel as the noise was disruptive but they laughed and were happy to plough on regardless. I got the job in the end too :heart_eyes: