Job Interviews

Solid advice…shame you are not so balanced on every thread…you could go right to the top of the internet if you were.

Unless you have contacts already in the department don’t bother your bollix turning up.
The job is probably already given out, but I suppose they have to go through the motions of fair selection… Heehee. Good one.


Drop the Burka, pal.

After that I’m more than confident your suave demeanour will have the poor cunts eating out of your crotch area.

Best of luck, Hun xxxxxx

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Practice. Get someone to sit you down and go through the interview situation. Write down the questions and areas you expect to b è b questioned on and get someone to ask you them all. If you answer them out loud for the first time in the interview you’ll sound hesitant as if you don’t really believe what you’re saying. If you’ve practiced them it’ll roll off your tongue.

Like Joe player’s cock.

Best of luck.


All PS job interviews are now competency based so familiarise yourself with the competencies they are seeking for the role. Then have your stories ready which demonstrate you exhibiting those competencies

So @ProjectX was trying to fuck @ChocolateMice over by telling him to study his cv?

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I have nothing to add for a public sector interview. Have never done one.

The only thing I’ll say is that it’s surprising how far you’ll get by being normal.


I was going to suggest a Fainne but I couldn’t see Choco too comfortable with it.:joy:

It’s not quite public, pal…they are a private offshoot of a public institution.

Irish Water it is so, you’ll knock it out the park.


If they like you and you come across as an alright sort, you’re 3/4’s of the way there.[quote=“briantinnion, post:147, topic:12308, full:true”]
I have nothing to add for a public sector interview. Have never done one.

The only thing I’ll say is that it’s surprising how far you’ll get by being normal.

@Bandage has a little system that is a useful guide.

As everyone on here knows I am an extremely normal and likeable guy. I will walk this.

@bandage, give us a wave…bandage, bandage give us a wave.

You’re away with it so pal, Best of luck with it.

Number one tip is not to answer any question with “come ere I wannnnt yaaaaa” you’ll be grand after that.


Bumped for @ChocolateMice. I posted the above for competency based interviews before and I think it’s useful.

Aside from that, the advice from others is very good.

Definitely practice saying your answers aloud as it’ll flow naturally in the interview and eliminate the pauses and ems and ehs etc.

Have a succinct intro piece to cover “tell us about yourself” and a final wrap up to emphasise how you’re motivated, ambitious, talented and perfect for the role.


Public sector interviews are very structured. Fixed points awarded for education, work exp, communication skills, motivation and one or two other areas depending on role such as technical ability etc. Have done a few interview panels for tech jobs in their level institutes and universities. Most importantly, the most suitable on paper doesn’t alway get the job, most appointments I’ve seen have been won on strong communication and team work. In the HSE they have a policy of not asking question that lead away from the direct requirements written on the job spec and they have to ask the same questions to each candidate, which is bullshit in my opinion. This makes it easy to prepare for the interview.

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I’ll PM Choco but @bandage has it pretty much all covered. Bando, I wouldn’t have thought competency based interviews would have been the style for a businessman like you? Where did you become so well versed?

It’s third level but non academic… 5 minute presentation at the start…