Job Interviews

What time have they allocated each of you in total?

That hasnā€™t been outlinedā€¦ 5 minute presentation as part of the interview was all the criteria given.

Thereā€™ll be between 4 and 6 interviewers and each will cover a certain area. The guy who introduces you will most likely be a member of the governing body, there to settle you in and do intros. Heā€™ll manage the process but more than likely has no say. Thereā€™ll be probably 2 women, they love gender balance. Identify the one person who is the decision maker, they person who youā€™ll be working for. They decide what everyone else score in the end.
Dont worry about fucking up a question, move on. Ignore them writing while youā€™re talking.

On the presentation, go to the instituteā€™s website and use their logo or banner on your presentation in the footer on every slide. The corporate logo or crest. Use images rather than text. Nothing worse than a text heavy slide, sometimes has to be done

Theyā€™ll ask you at the end " is there anything you like to ask?" Have something prepared. Explain that you believe this is the perfect job for you and reiterate why you are suitable.

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By the sound of that, the most work youā€™ll ever do is actually get into the public sector.

Fuck sake. Coffee break heaven then every 45 minutes thereafter.

Two women and a man on panel. Slides optionalā€¦ I was gonna wow them without as Iā€™ve no intention of putting up text heavy slides or in contrast, one word buzz wordsā€¦ But youā€™re saying other wise?

Jesus I would. Iā€™d drop you straight away without presentation, but thatā€™s me. It would look like you either were too lazy or though you had the job. Presentation gives you 2 chances rather than one in my opinion. After a good presentation the job could be yours. Youā€™ve lectured so should be ok with the presentation

Remember they like confidence but hate cockiness.

When they say 5 minutes they usually mean 5 minutes. That could be 20-30 slides. Practice and time the shit out of it.


Sorry I meant without slidesā€¦ I have to do a presentationā€¦but sticking up a load of pics ? :eek:

Combination, but not text heavy. I canā€™t tell without knowing the topic. Thereā€™s alot of work in it.

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Research the institute and department thoroughly, what investments and announcements theyā€™ve made. Staff size etc.

20 to 30 slides in five minutes? Would you go way and fuck off.

Choco is a presentation you have to prepare? If youā€™re allowed use slides that means you have to use them. Focus on the presentation not the slides though.

Alternatively it could be something like I did before where they give you material to read over and you then do a presentation and answer questions on it.

Lol, was that for an actual job? You a primary school teacher?

Nope. Donā€™t feel peeved because I rubbished your idea of 30 slides in five minutes. 30! :laughing:

Big BIG mistake not including me in this. :eek:

A couple of simple slides with bullet points. Not too much text. At least it shows you are making an effort and not just rocking up to bullshit them.

One minute per slide. Max.

30 slides with pictures of real bullets.

Just stand there and go bang bang bang as you flick through them.

And then walk out.


Iā€™m guessing this job is down in Cork, maybe we should be giving bad advise to the man rather then send him into the protestant quisling cauldron that is Cork City particularly UCC.

The disdain they have for Limerick natives is no joke.


Fuck sake

Thatā€™s 10 seconds per slide. Are you completely fucking insane?