Joe Canning, Unquestionably the GOAT

What thread was this originally? I need to know before figuring out if it’s worth my while trapsing through a few hundred posts

Irish rail passengers do, mate.

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Irish rail

It’s a third world rail service.


Thanks mate. I needed a laugh


Overpriced and archaic rolling stock

Benito Mussolini was your only man for getting trains running on time.

The only thing I said about Joe is he has a squeaky voice and he’s nothing special, he’s as good a hurler as the next fellow.

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He would have to ask grapes too…


Did he talk about his donkeys?

I got a few punches from Big Bang after a soccer match against Janesboro as young lads

Ye think ye can give it mate but ye definitely can’t take it😄 Double standards aris

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Brilliant man . The viaducts and bridges were amazing .

[quote=“TreatyStones, post:1098, topic:5179, full:true”]



Janesboro. Damn autocorrect

Ah yeah, the Galway boys can take it alright … all night long.

Is that what you were fantasizing about when you jizzed all over your screen?