Joe Canning, Unquestionably the GOAT

Graeme mulcahy and Gillane were standing a few yards away from him. Mul stood on the sliotar after the free was awarded to make sure it couldn’t be brought up into his range… it was genius from Mul in the melting pot and heat of what was going on


I didn’t make any assumption, you made the assumption that these lads would thrive without Canning.

I merely echoed what you said. You judge fellas that lost differently than Canning, because you hold him to a different standard.

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Because people say canning is the best player of his generation so of course he’s going to be held to a higher standard ffs.

Jesus you’re a thick cunt


Yes it’s my opinion they’ll go onto be great players. That’s not an assumption it’s an opinion. I think they’ve all the tools to do so. You are a complete moon man If you can’t understand that.

you’re assumption is that they’ll thrive without Joe Canning.

Mannion is one of the windiest cunts going ffs.

No I said I predict there’ll be a massive up turn in their performance. It’s my opinion they’ll play much better without him. Canning is an ego maniac that inhibits all the players around him and is more interested in his own personal glory that putting the team first. I could easily be wrong but it would be extremely boring if we all agreed.

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Mannion is a super hurler, doesn’t deserve to be called windy by some lad standing behind a printer


but it’s alright for you to agree that Joe is an ego maniac and selfish? Again, he gets judged by different standards because of who he is.

When did I say that?

He’s made another assumption.

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you jumped to the defense of Mannion for being called windy. You haven’t done similar for Joe.

that is an assumption, you’re correct on that.

You jumped to the defence of Joe Canning. You haven’t done the same for Mannion.

Not commenting on something isn’t agreeing with it

You jumped in fair quick to defend mannion. Canning had been called worse a lot more. You had a lot more opportunity to jump in and defend him on the Joe canning thread.

Judged by different standards, like all the greats

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Being windy and talented are not mutually exclusive. Anthony Cunninghamesque in his disappearing acts in finals. In 3 finals he has been brought off in 2, scoreless in 2.

It’s because Joe is a selfish ego maniac apparently

Being called windy by one of your own is worse than being called an egomaniac by some lad from a different county