Joe Canning, Unquestionably the GOAT

  1. They’re all 1988 born I think, himself, Canning, Horgan and Reid
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David and Ger Hoey were dingers too. Real no nonsense club defenders.

@Aertel220 Barefield just got a golden crop which took them to the A/I club finals. Historically as a club they were never all that strong. They won a couple of counties in the 50s but were intermediate in the early 90s til that group emerged.


Not even 33 yet. Think he’s September or October

Edit: 33 on September 15th as per wiki.

14th championship season.

The fact canning never got Galway over the line during that period between 2012 to 2015 will be held against him.


How do you compare Shefflin and Canning? To me, Joe was a better individual sticksman, but Shefflin was hands-down the better leader of the two. Shefflin could orchestrate the whole team to improve its performance. He always seemed to be aware of the potential of the team around him, and to get the best out of them. Canning always seemed to be aware of his own potential, but less so that of the team. More’s the pity, as he ended up being the star of his own show far too often.

Anyway, today is all about Joe. Privileged to have seen him light up shit holes from Duggan Park and Semple Stadium since 2004.

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I don’t think you can really compare Shefflin to Canning or even the likes of Callinan to Canning fairly. They are all greats and all had very different strengths and played the game differently.

It is only really a matter of preference.


I’d find it hard to disagree with that. Joe was more about the spectacular as opposed to Henry who had the more measured approach.

:clap: Comments of that sort are a slap in the face of David Burke, Daithí Burke, etc.

Definitely our greatest ever and arguably the greatest ever. Impossible to compare shefflin but shefflin always had quality teams around him and crucially always had Cody.

Joe carried some average teams and there was plenty of days when he was the only one standing up to be counted. We have had a succession of great hopes at minor, he was the only one who lived up to it, most of his great moments have been mentioned here, he was the games most iconic player for most of a decade, look at how many kids buy his hurls, or replicate his moves, like the no look handpass against cork in Limerick. There was so many other games that he won on his own. I’m always reminded on the 2012 semi against cork. It was a quintessential flat Galway performance after the highs of that Leinster final but he took them on on his own, catching puck outs, points from play etc when the rest were caught in headlights.

He was a warrior, I’m just delighted he won one all Ireland. And they won solely because of him. Even last Sunday when he had frees to get the record he went short twice to set up niland for a point and blocked shot. The point that set the record was an attempted blast at goal, fitting he was still trying to do all he could to win it when others had thrown in the towel. A lot of his Galway career epitomised actually.

He came out to Vancouver in 2017 a portumna lad had him arranged to come over in march that year, he then went on to win the all Ireland and POTY but still felt obligatated to honour it. The day he landed he met a few of us in the pub, I never knew him from Galway and was expecting some boring twee safe media personality, he was anything but, funny as fuck and going around asking all Galway lads about people we knew mutually, then telling us stories and opinions about hurling, just a genuinely sound normal lad. Best of luck to him.


Shefflin usually played in front of a dominant half back line. Not sure JC ever did. Breaking even at the apex.

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That’s a nice read. God, I’d love to have been in the pub that day.


Does every fella who goes to a race meet go out of his way to dress up like a traveller on his communion?


Cracking opening post all the same

Actually a Joe memory I had completely forgotten. 4-7 against Clare in the 2009 U-21 semi-final. In a game Galway lost.


A guy that works in a chipper is down to earth

Cheers for the bombshell


There was a guy who once worked in a chip shop who swore he was Elvis


Of all people on this forum, I thought you’d be the one able to empathise with that

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A lad just having a few pints and telling jokes with Irish lads in a pub abroad. How would the yacht club sad case be able to empathise with that?

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