Joe Duffy's Liveline

Kids and adults die in Ireland every year because the HSE decide that they can’t pay for certain treatments. Lads want to start firing out 10ks like confetti now as well.

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I thought it was well established that there are a fair few criteria to be eligible. Turns out its not confetti like in the slightest. But dont let that stop you…

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How many do you estimate?

Is this correct? About 5k for one off IVF treatment? It must be extremely frustrating to spend that money to no avail. The global average for successful conception on the first attempt is under 40% apparently.

Way less than confetti style amounts you are talking about. Whats your hierarchy of things that should be paid for by the hse but arent?

That’s up to the HSE, but I’d see more spent on saving lives than creating them.

How do they confirm that the couple are together a year? Insta reveal or Facebook status? A definite grey area there.

A quick google tells me brazil is much cheaper and has an excellent strike record. Lads could save a few bob having a baby making holiday in Brazil and they’d be safer on the streets too. Cc @Loko_Cove


That’s not a good point to be quite honest.


Sure @Tank was only over there a few weeks and he conceived a baby. Fierce fertile out there.


How many rounds of IVF would the state need to pay for to surpass the total spend on saving lives? A few million rounds of IVF annually??



You’re looking for a number that only the HSE know?


I think you’ve ayte one too many todged biscuits at this stage.

It’s probably obvious from my stance above but I’ve been through this route. Most of my friends don’t know, as it really was none of their business. I’m sure a few figured it out. We were in the category of getting on a bit (my Mrs is five years older than me) and waited until we felt were a little more secure financially (see above comment from @Aertel220) to try to start a family. After maybe six months of lots of riding, there was no joy on that front. We went to the doctors who referred us to a fertility clinic. My Mrs was still under 40 and presumed it was an issue from my side (I previously outlined how I almost lost a ball) but lo and behold, the tests came back and everything was spot on with mine. So, the drives up and down to the clinic in Cork started. The wife injecting herself every night, etc.

Round 1ish: We didn’t go through the full round as they felt there wasn’t enough eggs. As a result we didn’t pay the 5kish, more like 1k.
Round 2: odds didn’t look good. Went through with it. Mrs got pregnant. We were over the moon. Miscarried.
Round 3: probably pushed this one too quick after 2. Odds looked much better. Way more eggs etc. Didn’t work.
Round 4: our last shot at it. Implanted two embryos. Initial scans showed twins. It was if we had won the lotto. We would have loved two kids and we felt we were in bonus territory. Lost one. The one that survived is the greatest thing that ever happened to me. If it didn’t work, we were done with it. I couldn’t put my wife through it again. We were exploring the option of fostering as a long term opportunity to have some children in our lives.

I can’t go through the financials, but I think it was over €20k in the end between everything. All our savings for a house were gone. My parents gave us money for the last round. Our wonderful daughter would not be here today if it wasn’t for them.

I don’t want to get into this anymore tbh. I feel I’ve shared too much. I’m probably a bit emotional about it, and I appreciate the other perspectives on not supporting people in similar situations.


Class post

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Yeah I’d imagine the torment and finances involved after a couple of failed attempts would be extremely challenging. I’ll amend that point to inconsiderate.

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Ah lovely. Fair fucks to the folks. They propably had to wrap the matchday sambos in old newspaper for a year or two but definitely worth it. A lovely story.