Joe Duffy's Liveline

Fostering is the best option here surely. Making a real difference to society. And the cash is good too. I’ve a connect here, Give me a bell and ill sort you out.

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Indeed. It was your statement that it would be the first group benefited though…when in reality it is far more likely to be some sensible people who are older when trying to start a family who get the benefit

yes. fostering is a lot more doable alright

What it is now, and what it ends up being could well be two different scenarios.

Fair enough. I think you’re wrong as shit but no harm

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Sorry, I went to see Oppenheimer

I believe it’s incredibly difficult and expensive to adopt these days, luckily I’ve never had to worry about fertility.
I have a sister and a bro in law who had a difficult 6 or 7 years, the same girl would have been marked out all her life as incredible mother material, anyway it took ivf and she was blessed with twins, we all shed tears for them.
They were lucky that they could afford it, so I won’t agree with your stance here,
The criteria are quite strict, I don’t understand why you think a certain subset of society will try to milk this, it makes no sense.

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How much does IVF cost? 10k a pop? I suppose the expense would be increasing all the while if it didn’t work initially. But I’ve heard an inconsiderate point made that if the parents can’t afford IVF then can they actually afford to rear the child itself?

Not a great point really…


Plenty in the purse doesnt prevent starvation of the soul


Well said Ryan


Kids and adults die in Ireland every year because the HSE decide that they can’t pay for certain treatments. Lads want to start firing out 10ks like confetti now as well.

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I thought it was well established that there are a fair few criteria to be eligible. Turns out its not confetti like in the slightest. But dont let that stop you…

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How many do you estimate?

Is this correct? About 5k for one off IVF treatment? It must be extremely frustrating to spend that money to no avail. The global average for successful conception on the first attempt is under 40% apparently.

Way less than confetti style amounts you are talking about. Whats your hierarchy of things that should be paid for by the hse but arent?

That’s up to the HSE, but I’d see more spent on saving lives than creating them.

How do they confirm that the couple are together a year? Insta reveal or Facebook status? A definite grey area there.

A quick google tells me brazil is much cheaper and has an excellent strike record. Lads could save a few bob having a baby making holiday in Brazil and they’d be safer on the streets too. Cc @Loko_Cove


That’s not a good point to be quite honest.


Sure @Tank was only over there a few weeks and he conceived a baby. Fierce fertile out there.