Joe Duffy's Liveline

Unknown to me it’s national crackpot day. Joe has cunningly selected a cabal of gobshites to select a working Government.
Biddy 1 has picked a line-up involving everybody except DHR. Paddy up then with a crossparty amalgam the half of which he’s never heard of.

Biddy 2, having established her credentials via the HSE is about to solve the conundrum
Joe meanwhile, has perfected an exclamation of WOW that he seems chuffed with.

There’s some needy attention seeking fuckwits out there. Bī cúramach…

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The God botherers are on with Joe and Fr Ray about his participation in dancing with the RTE staff. Fr Ray is getting abusive messages and is thinking about pulling out. He’ll win it now for sure

They are now arguing whether Jesus danced at the wedding of the Canaa after he turned the water into wine. :slight_smile:


Poor Kevin is very upset that Fr Ray is doing a bit of dancing. :slight_smile:

@anon61878697 @Phil_Leotardo

Does David look remarkably like a done up Con to ye?


This is Tommy Roddy @anon61878697

What’s this?


The bold Joe Player had a run in with Tommy Roddy in Mary I — I told the story before but they were both going for Equality officer in the SU elections … The day before the hustings Joe was down by the SU joking about sticking a hole in all the free condoms for students … Your man Tommy got wind of it and brought it up at the hustings as if Joe had said it seriously … he went as pale as a ghost and nearly died above on the stage :laughing: Roddy won and Joe hated him for life – which I used for my own merriment for years.
cc @anon60384913 @caulifloweredneanderthal


Jesus Christ seemed like a decent skin in the bible,
He must be mortified with the class of gobshite that usually invokes his name

Father Ray has the snowflakes hopping like sausages in a pan

You’d miss joe around here. What a great man.

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The mention of Tommy Roddy’s name made his blood boil :joy::joy:

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Padraig is 74 and likes to get up around 5am and go for a walk on Portmarnock beach.
Padraig thinks the regulations re: social distancing / isolation are bullshit. Access to fresh air is a divine right. Padraig is butting in again to reinforce his idea. Maggie is giving him bags of it but Joe is allowing Padraig his head.

Padraig seems to be a narcissistic cunt.
Joe is coming across as an enabling cunt giving the other fucker more rope.

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Isn’t that the beauty of Joe. He encourages the apes to same something stupid.

Interested to gauge the forum’s views on this.

There have been callers on the last few days who have lost very close relatives in the previous 24 hours (mothers, fathers, sisters etc).

I saw a tweet a few days ago which said “My mam died 5 minutes ago. My heart is broken”. The tweet was met with both criticism and support.

I struggle to understand these people to be honest and think it’s incredibly bizarre behaviour.


Everyone wants their fifteen minutes these days

I wouldn’t go on Joe Duffy within a day of someone I loved dying. I’m a bad example though as I wouldn’t go on anyway

I can’t understand that, a relative or some one close to you dies and the first thing you think of is that I will ring Joe Duffy and go on the radio. Fuck sake.