Joe Duffy's Liveline

I’ll ring and tell them they are misisng a trick, you pay cash when they round down and card when they round up so you only pay exact. Could save you the price of a snickers over the course of the year


Bloke on now went to Jonas Bros concert. He went to male security guard and opened his bum bag. Male Security guard saw make up and make up brushes. Male security guard called over female security guard to search him to which he consented.

He (not the security guard) was startled. He (not security guard) was not comprehending anything. His friend had to remind him that they said “we don’t consider you a man”.

His friend Lea is on now.

He does his make up and dresses up real nice. He’s a make up artist.

@glasagusban - what is the woke response here when you open your bum bag to a security guard and he then calls over a female security guard

Go on, and we ye ragin’?

He’s gay and wears make up and identifies as a man.

He is raging as he was “mis-gendered”.

He is from Swords.

Shocked he was.

The security guard was trying to be woke but ended up mis-gendering somebody. It’s a tightrope.

Sure ya can’t win, you try do the right thing and you end up offending someone.

Lady on now trying to grass her GP to Revenue by sending receipts into them :joy:

What’s it come to if a man can’t even wear a bum bag in peace now.

There’ll be roasters in torremollinas seething at this revelation

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I don’t tune into often but some days it’s great entertainment. People get worked up into a frenzy about perceived slights or unfairness.

Bit like on here


You missed the the entertainment the other when some guy called in and had his voice disguised to ask Joe what can he do after he sent a video of himself “performing a sex act” on himself after coming home drunk to all the contacts in the phone but a few of his contacts wouldn’t acknowledge him anymore or let him apologise? He was also married worked full time and was a full time carer to his wife.

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Which one is David?


You can see the conundrum the security guard faced.

the one that looks like a ringer for @glasagusban

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That eyebrow arch is fabulous.

could do with a haircut though