Joe Duffy's Liveline

That’s very good

The Johnny Ronan / Bewleys saga has gathered traction to the extent that Joe has flagged it in advance. Nuala/Pauline are going to vent from 1.45pm and Joe is trying to hook up with Johnny (currently in Cape Town) to get his version on Coffee-gate.
This saga will grind on apparently.

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Did Joe manage to get a hold of the bould Johnny?

I’m reasonably confident he didn’t. I was diverted due to an encounter with a very chirpy looking postman :tumbler_glass: When I returned Joe had a lad called Philip Cassidy on who was profusely apologetic for the indiscretion and assured Joe he meant no harm.
He proceeded to eulogise Johnny, good works, charitable guy, yadda yadda…

Nauseating oul’ sycophantic scutter.

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Ex Cyclist Philip Cassidy. Used to have a shop on Parnell Street. Maybe he still does.

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Joe is only phoning it in lately. He gets lads to ring in, spoofs a minute or two and let’s them sing a hape of songs. Today’s sacrificial lamb is Tommy Fleming.

Bridie (his biggest ever fan, knows all the standards etc.,) rings from Charleville, a sad tale of woes and illness with her Dad. Tommy says we’ll do a bit of a duet, converting Carrickfergus to Charleville, Bridie is very excited…

Tommy launches off smoothly and as we hit the chorus he gives Bridie the green light…

Bridie doesn’t know a word of it nor hasn’t a note to offer. Tommy was bulling…

Joe poured soothing oils to the wound… I’m beginning to think he’s a bluffer…

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Tommy Fleming takes himself very seriously. He thinks he’s fucking Pavarotti.

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Fucking Charleville

Johnny Logan v Dickie Rock. Tune in guys.

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The planet is riddled. Theres at least 300k dead. No vaccine in sight and the micks are only interested in a spat between two crinklies. Box office

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It’s gone onto some fella minding a caravan park and cutting the grass now down in Waterford invoicing occupants full whack. Bridie and co are looking for a concession. Stephen is batting hard for Tommy here who must have got his concession on the sky already. Must be hard for Joe to feign interest here.

I don’t think Tommy does invoices.


A bit rich to be posting that on a forum where fingers have been typed down to the knuckle discussing the inclusion of a mediocre full back from Kilfinnane on a list of all time greats

To be honest something like that is a distraction from the shitstorm.

Not guilty. If you look at those threads, you will see that I have not taken part in any such discussion. So I would kindly ask you to make sure you have your facts right before you launch your next panzer attack

Sure there’s limerick lads here who didn’t know where Kilfinane was till a few years ago.

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Try to spell it right anyway.


Plenty of those lads are at it. My grandparents used to have one in Clare till a few years ago said the owner of the park is demanding the full rent for the year regardless if they’ll be open or you lose your plot and caravan.

Johnny has apologized for his outburst.

Weak cunt.