Joe Duffy's Liveline

I saw that. You don’t fuck with Dickie Rock.

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Bohs cunt

Dick Rock has a very funny name.

Gay Burn also.

Post reported

Dusty Rhodes,Mark Beirne, Ciff Walker Sandy Beech, Robin Banks.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy on Liveline now. :slight_smile:

Rosemary on now complaining that she doesn’t get the pension or Covid payments because she is too wealthy.

What does she make of Normal People?


An unbelievable, unintelligible discourse on air right now.




What are they giving out about now?

Dunnes Stores Joe

My neighbour got a span new car last week. I’m going to ring joe on Monday and tell him it’s not fair

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1850 715 815 wash yer hands


I didn’t hear today but caught a bit yesterday and these retailers seem to have a valid point, why have the Dunnes non food sections been allowed stay open, even when they’re separate from the supermarkets when every other retailer in the country is being shat on?


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But shure if they were shut Bumbled wouldn’t be able to buy a black suit.

Today’s beef was that a non supermarket Dunnes selling only clothes and homeware has remained open in Cavan town. The smaller retailers have a point to be fair.

Breaking News…

Veteran comedian Syl Fox (87) Not, repeat, Not guilty on sexual harassment charges…

He’ll tell Joe selected snippets of his woes at 1.45
Super snake Ivor Callelly will also air his travails… …

Syl the daft oul’cunt, I’d say this interview will be the last of him.

I remember reading the over and back of this case a few months back. The lady’s account was first up and reading it, Syl was guilty as charged. She painted him as a sleazy dirty old man. Then came his account, and crucially, a CCTV clip referenced by his corner that differed with her account.

Wash yer hands.

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