Joe Duffy's Liveline

Yeah - I got one from PTSB. I’d be fairly tuned into fraud emails etc but this was convincing enough and I can see how it conned people - the key thing being it appeared like it was from the bank

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Excuse the mark ups, something for everyone to be aware of


I got one myself, came through same number that BOI texts come. Didnt click on it and rang customer care.

If it’s coming from a ‘name’ I assume it’s easier to hack that if it appears from a number. Unless you have that number saved in your phone as AIB?

But these appear in the same thread as previous messages from the bank. It’s slick enough to be fair

They do because your phone groups them by name. I assume it’s easier for a hacker to send a message for it to appear as AIB than it is for it to appear as the same 10 digit phone number that AIB use

Its all you deviants buying shite on

Leave the ultra max size dildos out of this

Forum’s resident Polish correspondent @balbec will be on at 1.45 to espouse (cc Derek) just how grim things are there. Will he mention Lough Gur or Kilmallock for that matter?

Well tune in and you will find out!

Should I ring in to encourage you or berate you? I’ll do either for €50 in the Christmas card.

Paddy from Virginia is the archetypal Cavan man on now. The fucker appears to have pioneered the word “Frugal”. No internet, no ATM card, the peterel station is pre-pay, the SFP has to be done online, has 30 cows and would appear to thrive on hardship.

I’ve phoned @KinvarasPassion, he’s on a Zoom call, chance lost…


Joe picking on the teachers today again

I don’t see how anyone could begrudge them a few extra days off at Christmas?
Things were not easy for them when they returned in September, and they haven’t improved in the two weeks since the mid-term break.


They have to use their voices all day. (6 hours)

Mammy on now about the daughters soar throat from teaching. God love her

Maura who opened the discussion is a cert to be from Tipperary. She has a wonderful timbre in her voice as she describes her Tommy (doubtless a cunt) missing out on “the wan on wan within in the classroom”. A tip of my cap to the Ardfinnan man…


Maggie lowering the blade… “Cop on.” Joe morphs into George Mitchell mode.

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I was only in Ardfinnan last week - lovely part of the world cc @carryharry - wan of the nicest parts of Tipp.

The teachers are doing a great job. Credit where it’s due.