Joe Duffy's Liveline

I cant but believe that some if these scams are inside jobs from lads working in the banks themselves.

I’d say that is incredibly unlikely really Mike

Is it though? Taking it to the extreme maybe but it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility. Some lad owing a few k for drugs etc working in the I.T. department.

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The IT workers are too incompetent to pull that off

The banks don’t cover themselves in glory. They could red flag bank accounts. I saw a cyber attack on a client, emails intercepted and payment details changed - bank did not want to know and to be honest neither did the Gardai. It was sorted by a combination of London met and diplomatic people known to client.

There are loads of dormant bank accounts in banks in Ireland opened by people who then move away and no longer need them. They sell them off - bank account has no transactions for a year or more and then all of a sudden and in and out of six figures or more and system does not seem to pick that up​:man_shrugging:t2::roll_eyes:

How much did you lose pal?

Click here and I will show you

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If a stranger asked you for your car keys, would you give them to him?

If they were dressed as a hotel valet parking attendant I would and I have.

Joe 1
BoI 0.

Joe has conquered the Mint Office and now those unctuous cunts in BoI.
The hat-trick is on.

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Did you hand over your car keys to a fraudster in the street, a Mhacstí?

That would be my style alright, I’m the harmless, trusting docile sort who sees nothing but good in my fellow human. That’s why I post here, among like minded spirits.



Joe? Joe? Joe?





Go ahead Boxty?

Thanks Joe.

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Was this BOI scam the one where they sent texts that looked like they came from the legitimate boi number? How’d they manage that?

My eldest got one from AIB today on their text service luckily we had him and the youngest warned about it

I got one from ptsb today

You can see how you’d be taken in page looked exactly the same apart from the the address it was as opposed to, hyphen is a giveaway, there’s a serious security issue if hackers are sending texts from the official SMS

Does it appear in the same chain as the other messages?
