Joe Duffy's Liveline

Oh that’s much better. Anyone hear the piece in question?

Munster council are assigning stewards for the games. I met one fella from Cooraclare on Sunday who was ferried down by bus and got €90 for the few hrs he was there along with food etc.

Sources said Ms McDonald’s complaint related to a Morning Ireland programme in February which included a segment on the controversial exclusion of Government politicians from a rally organised by the National Women’s Council.

During the item, reference was made to Sinn Féin’s handling of sexual abuse allegations made by women against members of the IRA.

Heard that piece at the time. It was very sour.

You’d imagine MLD and team must be confident in their position if they are lawyering up

Jesus, they haven’t moved on much really. I spent a few years at that gig more than 40 years ago and the standard tariff for the day was £50 and the evening spent atin’ and drinking on the Connacht Council’s dime.
Following on from that you had your snout at the edge of the trough when the demand for AI tickets reached a frenzy.


How much of an entitled bollocks were you on match day?

As in any walk of life, a little common sense goes a long way. This was the era of cash at the stile or tickets on the road - not exactly rocket science. Of course where there are tickets and cash concerned strange things can happen. A lad selling tickets on the road got mugged wan day in the Hyde, the bag and the cash were taken from him by “3 big lads with a gun”……:wink:
Despite the times and unsophisticated methods it wasn’t his 1st misfortune with the tickets but I can tell you it was his last.


Im pretty sure the IRA burst into a money counting room in semple stadium and robbed a load of cash . It was during the 70s. Cork v Clare in a Munster Final i think was the game.

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The Roscommon raid may have been assisted by a member(s) of the IFA but we were quite confident that it wasn’t paramilitaries.


Correct. The 77 Munster Final. I was at it and you could see a commotion. A Waterford All Ireland medal winner was the unfortunate cisteoir who was held up at gunpoint.


Transgender rights etc are the topic today. Joe is being VERY careful about what he says.

Definitely didnt want to be there.

What did Joe do?

Just renewed my tv licence


They’re being triggered, the poor pets.

“RTÉ is our national broadcaster. LGBTQ+ people and our allies make up the majority of people in Ireland. We are the majority shareholders in RTÉ, and we have a right to hold it accountable for its actions.”

Some leaps here :thinking:


Women discussing their rights is now
transphobic and they need to be silenced.

White male privilege in a Trojan horse of trans rights.


Discussion on trangender rights. Had a woman on who was barred from a womans council meeting despite have a ticket. Said she wanted to ask for a definition of the word ‘woman’ because the new all inclusive meaning of ‘woman’ (anyone who identifies as a woman) has the effect of weakening legislation with the word woman in it. She then hit a couple of scare stories…'there’s a ‘woman’ down in a golf club in wicklow and none of the cis women want to go into the changing room with her…
Nothing too crazy at all. Stories were a bit shit. I’d certainly think there’s no harm in airing the views of people like that. Definitely wouldnt think they platformed a weirdo based on the 5 /10mins i got.

Didn’t they fall out with some other high profile person or organisation around pride week a few years ago? Maybe Dublin City Council?

If I was cynical I’d go as far to say it’s a desperate attempt to get PR. But it’s a good thing I’m not cynical…