Joe Duffy's Liveline

He might be both nuts and be at Jimmy Somerville concert. He mightn’t even be gay, he might just like the music. I think I’ll need to take this one away.

Has a new anti gay slur been coined lads?

If you mean that he’s being unrealistic or any other common use of the term then it’s fine with everybody I’m sure.
Healy Rae appears to have mixed up the two but won’t admit it (bizarrely) leaving himself open to the homophobia stuff.
I’m not sure, he seems to have lost the head a bit and I wouldn’t put it past him

There seems to be two commonly registered meanings: (a) fanciful, unrealistic, nonsensical (b) vague, light, insubstantial. Incidentally, if I’ve used the term it’s probably more in the context of (b) than (a). MHR has wangled a noun out of the adjective, which I don’t particularly have a problem with.

Of course, it’s entirely possible that, being the cunning linguist cute hoor that he is, he has dropped an intended double-entendre. I just don’t really buy that.

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Me neither.

MHR is a highly intelligent individual and whilst he may have lost his cool I genuinely believe no homophobic slight was meant.

I would imagine MHR truly believes that Leo lives in a big city bubble and has no clue of rural Ireland issues hence the retort.

“Eoin” of People Before Profit says only the Ukrainian people and “the Russian anti-war movement” can stop the war.

“Eoin” wants all sanctions on Russia lifted.

“Eoin” does not say how the Ukrainian people can stop the war.

What “Eoin” means is that the Ukrainian people should surrender unconditionally to Russian Nazism.

Eamon Ryan getting it in the neck from the rooral midland turf lovers.

You’d hardly imagine Eamon footing turf or spending endless days on the bog, the stomach falling out of you from 11am and the midges atin’ the back of your neck all day. Greens out.

That said, I fucking hated the frigging bog.


Christ you’ve a lovely hand.

@anon67715551 030221 “its disguating that the Brazilians are cutting down the amazon for commerical use”

@Boxtyeater110422" i demand that we can destroy Irish bogs"

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Two disabled callers into Joe duffy there relating to Joe how the stewards at semple stadium are cunts.

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The stewards in Semple Stadium came across very badly. Wouldn’t let an 80 year old man with an amputated leg in through the players entrance.

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When was this?

Recently I think. Most likely during one of Tipp’s league games in the spring.

The was the second fella. The first was a guy with a spinal cord injury. I had a similar experience there before a few years back so I was not surprised.

Duffy is losing his mind today. Ranting and raving all over place.

Mary Lou suing RTE over comments on liveline.

Brian loves an ould swim and doesn’t want the Ukrainians blocking his lane.

Morning Ireland