Joe Duffy's Liveline

Leo was on the Pat Kenny show(minus Pat) today grandstanding about all the things he’d like to do… a fucking cunt… he’s had more chance than anyone over the last 10 years to make a mark on society and all he’ll be remembered for is funny socks and putting film quotes in the speeches…



Im afraid the saying “If my aunt had balls” wont carry the same effect going forward

We need a Joe Duffy and Joe Rogan collab.

He has to go

I see rte have been hauled in by the oireachtas committee.
So essentially a bunch of wokes are standing in sympathy with a bunch of snowflakes because they feel offended by a bunch of entitled overpaid wankers.
The country is fucked.


All the World’s a stage

Mike, thats a wonderful summation :clap:

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There there, petal.

A whole new brigade will emerge from this.
The wokeflake brigade




The Last Jedi GIF by Star Wars

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Like water finding the path of least resistance. Headbangers will always find other headbangers to ally with.

You’re very well spoken @anon67715551. A bit doddery, but not as far gone as @Fagan_ODowd.

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I see where you’re going with that one :rofl: . Duffy is an unmitigated spoofer though. Tom burbles along nicely, a hiccup here and there but enunciated his views in mellifluous tones :+1:
Joe comes along then with “despite your 40 odd years in London you’ve never lost your lovely Drumkeeran accent”. Nothing could be further from the Drumkeeran / Dowra accent as an hour with @Massey will confirm. I must look for an example, I have one in mind if I can find it.


Drumkeerin Dowra Ballinagleara all much the same.South Manor Dromahair Glencar ditto.North Manor Rossinvor Glenade Kinlough much the same.Some parts of Kinlough accent would pass for Bundoran/Ballyshannon accent.


That is one of my all-time favourite videos on YouTube.

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It’s a classic.

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Lively discussion today about the split GAA season. John from East Cork was passionately against it. Seanie from Tipp thought John was spot on. Eamon from Kilkenny agreed. Joanna from Galway spoke eloquently in favour of it. Joanna was a former inter county camogie player from Galway. Seanie de Brun rang in. He is Niamh’s dad and his son in law TJ plays for Kilkenny. I can’t remember if Seanie was for it or against it. Katie Hannon was well able for it all. You got the impression that it would have all gone over Joe Duffy’s head.

Next up was a piece on wild fires in Portugal that got very near holiday homes in Quinta de Lago and we finished with a short piece about an assault on the Dart in Connolly Sration.


Katie Hannon is excellent. Calm, informed and unbiased. Everything the cunt she is filling in for isn’t.