Joe Duffy's Liveline

Brian here is taking the piss :grinning: Top class wumming

He’s playing a blinder, deserves a listen back :joy:

Some furious inter-female arguing going on here.

As Graeme Souness might say, “Women. At It.”

One could argue that Tiger Woods’ joke in handing a tampon to Justin Thomas isn’t misogynist because tampons aren’t just an essential product for women, they are also an essential product for trans men.

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A gynaecologist on now :joy:

I’d love to retire so I could listen to this every day, pure gold :grinning:

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“It wasn’t done to harm women, it was done in a sporting manner”, says caller Noel in an earnest fashion.

“Why wouldn’t you hand over a Snickers bar, or a Mars bar, or a banana?”, asks Joe.

Luckily Justin Thomas didn’t hand over a banana to Tiger Woods after outdriving him.

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“It’s jovial in man’s world. The Leinster supporters were deemed to be wearing high heels”, says earnest caller Noel.

The little nuggets of quotes by Joe that could be pulled context free and mixed into a cheesy electronic dance backing track there are endless.

Vintage Liveline.

Give Michael Fry 24 hours and we might see something.

He’s done superbly well to avoid appearing on the “People Who Are Beginning To Give Me A Pain In The Hole” thread so far, which is a testament to his quality output.

He bought himself a lot of credit with the Rod Liddle song but we will all turn on him eventually.

To be fair I thought his “read the standing orders” one was shite. It didn’t hit the spot, it was too obscure, too niche.

Is it too late for him to do a “you can forget about Sean Cavanagh as far as he’s a man” parody?

“People cribbing and moaning on the sidelines, I don’t know why these people don’t go and commit suicide” would be another beauty.

Joe, the sanctimonious cunt is having Waterford’s Gilbert O’Sullivan on tomorrow for a bit of banter and a chat about life. It’ll be epic when Gilbert is joined on air by his old school buddies Gugs, Fluff, Johnny Posh, Powery and our own @Fagan_ODowd . We’ll surely get a mention. One for the diary.


I wouldn’t think we’ll be getting much of a hat tip. He walked off stage at his last gig in Waterford because it was so sparsely attended.

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I wouldn’t think we’ll be getting much of a hat tip. He walked off stage at his last gig in Waterford because it was so sparsely attended.

Alone again? Naturally


Take a bow

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enjoyable enough show about Irish footix getting slaps when they go to England to watch football games

1 caller said he always goes to the ground 5 hours early to avoid trouble

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cc @caulifloweredneanderthal

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You’ve had a stormer there bud, you had Paddy reeling on the ropes.
I momentarily thought you were going to come out with the FOAD line.
Another comprehensive victory for you….

Six at a minimum really. Five is amateur hour.

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" the GAA has a product the whole world wants to see"


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