Joey Barton

Don’t the far right love the term “sex kitten”? I think The Sun used to use it a lot anyway.

Roscommon are called the “Sheepstealers” due to the propensity of frustrated right wing men there to steel sheep for sex.

Unusual to see you up out of the scratcher before 4.
Keep it going bro💪

Inadvertant spelling mistake there but it nearly works better.

Why do all the lads supposedly concerned about children supposedly identifying as catsexual call vagina “pussy”?

Bit hypocritical, no? :grin:

I’m not sure that he was exonerated of that, moreso that the case was dropped because the prosecution wouldnt call the wife to give evidence. She initially rang police when it happened and reported he attacked her. When it came to prosecution she changed her story that it was an accident and they were drunk. No charges and “cleared”, but hard to say he is exonerated.

Plus, he has plenty of other incidents in his back pocket, an assault of a taxi man that his cousin took all the charges on, assault of a team mate in Manchester, assault of a youth player when in the academy at Man City, assault in Liverpool that he got a 6 month sentence for and meant he missed games in Merseyside due to bail conditions, plus a few other arrests and charges that he was found not guilty of. Thats not even going into his gambling and shit he did on the pitch. A right fucking scumbag so he is.

2 in particular spring to mind.

I wont bore ye with the details,but safe to say the scene in Crocodile Dundee where Mick did a bit of research with his hands on an alleged fair maiden wouldnt be too dissimilar from my incident.This happened in a club in Paris.Spring of '98.The prick nearly had me in a taxi.
The second encounter was in the Cinema a few months back.This what I presumed was a female was directly in front of me was talking non stop,giving a running commentary.Blah Blah Blah.
I politely tapped her on the shoulder and asked would she be ever so good as to keep quiet so everyone in the vicinity could enjoy the movie.
Well this thing turned around and told me in a big deep voice to “Go fuck yourself”
A jaw on him like Batman and stubble to match.
Sensing danger,I immediately rabbit punched the cunt and sparked him out.
Thankfully no one witnessed it and I removed myself from the situation a couple of minutes later.


Barton assaulted his team mate Ousmane Dabo (who is black, what a surprise) so badly he left him with a detached retina.

He maintains his brother was unjustly put in prison “over a scrap”. Barton’s brother put an ice pick through a black 18 year old lad’s brain. It was an unprovoked racist murder.

The sort of thing the likes of @Kyle now spend their days smirking at while trying to pretend they aren’t.


What has his brother got to do with his views?

Everything. He paints his brother as a victim. His brother is a racist murderer, and Joey Barton is a vile racist shit.


A bit later today but the daily tag has been posted… Like fotf Joey, I’m living rent free in some poster’s heads.

Oh hes an utter cunt for sure.A right horrible prick but he makes some valid points.
The anti woke movement could do with someone more,shall we say,less incendiary and more tactful in approach.

Theres a war coming,Cheasty…Buckle up kiddo.

If you say there’s a war coming that’s a pretty good indication there should be no tact used with loopers like you.

Youll hardly fight in it anyway.
Too busy pulling the stomach out of yourself and screeching about Gaza.

The fetishisation of feminity as somehow representing gender and the denial of reality in men with a cock and balls claiming to be women were the Franz Ferdinand of this culture war.

Barton is a dickhead.

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Barton is actually very bright indeed, which makes his descent into the morass all the more depressing. He’d be better keeping his head down, but he doesn’t seem well.

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You’d have to imagine Joey is loving every minute of this.


Was there not a Man City Christmas party where he was burning holes in the apprentice footballers with cigarettes

The way the modern world world works is that there is attention and most importantly ÂŁÂŁÂŁÂŁÂŁÂŁÂŁ in saying the most stupid, hateful shit possible.

So that’s what frauds like Barton do.

But ignoring it doesn’t work either. The double bind.