Joey Barton

Fucking hell

Iā€™ve no idea who Vine is but no one likes a rat. Joey is probably the most important mind of the 20s

A bad few days for the head bangers.

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All the lads who had no respect for Joey will lose a lot of respect for him today.

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Oh Joey you silly sausage

@kyle will be seething

Joey will be absolutely seething.

I donā€™t actually know who Jeremy Vine is, perhaps heā€™s a cunt??

But this ruling is great, hopefully much more to come, we have gone stone fucking mad, people seem to think they can say whatever the fuck they want online without fear of getting the heads boxed off them, the money will have to make up for it in this case but Iā€™d prefer for Barton to have the shit kicked out of him :man_shrugging:

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I thought the payout would be more for that. An awful thing to say about someone.


He got off lightly with 75k. Itā€™ll be way more.

An easy way to solve the social media shit is to change the law to make the platform a publisher and liable for the content posted.


@Rocko has a few bob but I doubt his pockets are that deep