Joke Thread

How do you find Will Smith in the snow?

You look for the fresh prints…

This thread is a joke.

did you hear about the Cork man who lacked self-confidence?

He only thought he was the best.

Yeah? How does Darth Vader know what you got for Christmas then?

He was feeling your presence…

There is one thing worse than a bad a joke, thats a good joke badly told. :rolleyes:

Awful, truly awful. I’d say they gone down a bomb in a pub though. :smiley:

Just bought a Jehovah’s Witness advent calendar.

Every time you open a door someone tells you to fuck off.

:lol: I’ll be making that a full pint of shandy up in Paddy Blues for that beauty, Macintosh.

Priest. Ultan tell me this. Do you entertain immoral thoughts?
Ultan. Oh no faddher. They entertain me.

I had the ghost of John Denver in the house last Sunday.

He filled up my census


Ah that’s a cracker

What’s the toughest part of playing rugby ?

Telling your parents that you’re gay




In Joe Brolly’s article today. Are you Joe?

I am.

Lend us a kidney mate

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What’s worse than your partner falling asleep during sex ?

Them waking up during it…