Jordan Peterson 🐐 vs CH4

It’s very easy to know if a post has been edited :man_shrugging: any thick will tell you that

So nothing. In future think before you start labelling, calling JP a loony right wing propagandist with no evidence or argument. you’re a dullard so you’ll get more leeway than most but it could bite you some day. Other than that keep up the good work, the lads find you always good for a laugh.

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I told you where they were :grinning:

The side groups boyos and yourself must not have a notion how to perform a very basic search :man_shrugging:

Would you have a lot of side groups, a fascinating TFK subculture right there, only I don’t know if I’d have the time for rakes of side groups like yourself :joy:

I went down a Steamed Hams youtube hole, found this and thought of all you guys.

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Sarcastic One More GIF by Amazon miniTV

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Jordan Peterson has nailed his colours to Russell Brand’s mast, in a typically gutless way mind you.

Should be a cracker tonight with Piers Morgan

Thoroughly enjoyable so far


Jordan ended up breaking down crying, incredible interview, Piers Morgan is a superb questioner

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Doesn’t he always end up crying nowadays?

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Massive United fan is jordan

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He loves his county

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An excellent interview…he doesn’t really cry at the end, just a little bit of emotion…hopefully the #bekind brigade can forgive him.

good advice about having sex twice a week

Ah ffs. I thought it was twice a year…

wonderful part 2 tonight with his Daughter, he is one of the good guys


An impressive couple.

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Celtic 1
Rangers 0

Oooft. The free thinkers won’t like hearing this from the Dawk