Jordan Peterson 🐐 vs CH4

I’m bored now. Sorry.

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It’s really easy to find, try the podcast thread the Joe Rogan or this one,

There were a few because I listened in installments,
I’ve nearly it all forgotten, I thought JP was a dull bullshitter with a very annoying tone to his voice, so I probably won’t be able to answer your questions at about 18 months remove,

Do you might be able to quiten me as you do all your vanquished foes (when they get tired of it)

Perhaps one of your mates will help you out?

Ahhh so you can’t remember. That’s amazingly convenient. And you thought he was a dull bullshitter. But now you think he’s a loony right wing propagandist…what changed your mind… Was it people told you so so you thought you better toe the line.

Absolutely hilarious saying you remembered it because the Rogan podcast episode was long. There’s laughter in a few side groups over it.

Well I said it was long because it gave me an opportunity to get a good flavour of the man, I g do not think a typical 40 minute episode would have done it justice.

It’s good to know that the side groups are obsessing over my posts as well, surely between ye you’d find the posts, I’d say it would take less than a minute, though I imagine you’re a very very busy guy :+1:

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You said you were going to put it up. It’s the basis of your whole argument. Still waiting

More lies :joy:

It’s very easy to find, this was all your idea, it’s not my job to do all your work for you

Send out an SOS in your side groups and you’ll have it in seconds, a number of long posts discussing the podder with Rogan

Had a look there and can’t locate it. Sure finish editing it there and link it up. Remember this is you defending your thesis on JP… It couldnt just be that you have no reason or salient argument, but you think calling him a loony right wing propagandist was worth a few brownie points, could it?

Have you asked in the side groups?

Has everybody got loads of side groups, I feel really unloved :flushed:

We’re seeing just how empty this ‘loony, far right’ rhetoric really is. These woke lads all leap in to join in the name calling, yet when one of their own is floundering about making a show of himself they’re nowhere to be seen.
Tracksuit has been completely abandoned here, you hate to see it.

Nail on head here.

He dived in, got mildly called out. And has nothing. Bit of a dullard at the best of times. Probably needs to read a Peterson book.

Klaxon gone out to the side groups :neutral_face:


So you were talking utter shite when you said Peterson was a loony right wing propagandist. Got it.

Has there been much discussion in the side groups today? Did anybody find the posts?

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Some very realistic Ewan MacKenna impersonations here. It’s almost like the Athy headbanger himself could be writing them. :thinking:

Jordan Peterson when he first burst onto the scene spoke a lot of truth and his first book is a grand, easy to read and apply manual for anyone struggling, young or old. Us men have it tough, and with the shocking trend in men of all ages committing suicide, I’m all for anyone who argues being a man is okay, as is getting the most out of your day and inevitably your life. He’s gone a bit of the boil in recent times, but that does not discredit all the good he done and spoke about and doesn’t discredit from someone taking an interest in what he has to say, or dare I say it, be a follower of his. It is like how Michael Jordan is an idol of mine despite him being a self centred cunt, a horrific problem gambler and having more than a few screws loose. Take a bit here and a bit there from people, see how it fits with your own views and philosophy of life and if it benefits you in any way, great, take it on board and disregard and ignore the guff. David Goggins is another. Incredibly motivational and his discipline is admirable but clearly has lot of issues. The world is not black or white, nor the people in it.

Sure didn’t Hitler play a big part in the Autobahn and was an advocate for animal protection!

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A neighbour of mine from home when talking about Hitler and the Autobahn:

‘He did a lot of good things but it all went to his head’

Putting it a bit mildly!

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The mask has defo slipped over the last 48 hours .

Plenty of discussion. No posts found. It appears you were talking shit trying to appear woke. Bless.

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None of the side groups can find them either :grinning:
It took me about 20 seconds :man_shrugging:

Good long posts, your buddies acknowledged them as well, I put my heart and soul into them :+1:

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You must be flat out editing them. Post them up there so you can prove you’re not a buffer.