Jordan Peterson šŸ vs CH4

You succumb to your base character 90% of your time on hereā€¦ I wish you wouldnā€™t as thereā€™s clearly a very articulate guy behind it all that could be a real leader on here but you seem reluctant to step out of the shadow of others.

This Jordan chap is just another alt right goon coming up with pseudo scientific Mumbo jumbo to justify inequality

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In fairness you must use a multi variate analysis as opposed to a univariate analysis to see if there is a bias with regards to pay. And the most pertinent point he made was equality of outcome when it comes to career goals. Everyone is equal in western society mate. Its very hard to dispute the points he is making.


Itā€™s the men that are being done.

Iā€™ve listened to some of his other videos and they are far from that ā€“ the lefty headbangers are looking to challenge on the bits that suit them and i dont doubt for a second that he doesnt enjoy the notoriety of it, but he makes a lot of sense in his wider discourseā€¦ Thereā€™s a lot of interviews up online that are far more grounded and holistic.


No surprise that the TFK Misogyny Brigade have fallen hook, line and sinker for him.


We must navigate away from group identitification and focus on ourselves as individuals. It creates an us vs them and is too easy a cop or excuse for lazy stupid individuals.

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Exhibit A ladies and gentlemen.

Someone doesnt agree with you so you lash out and and try and tarnish them with an offensive tagline.

Well done little guy,and thank you for taking part in this experiment.


Exhibit B, ladies and gentlemen. Taking umbrage at being called out for what you are and attempt to belittle the caller outer.

Alt right 101

Exhibit C chaps -

Inability to turn off the rage and be objective when mildly shown the error of their ways.

is there anything specific he has said that has caused you outrage?

Who @ChocolateMice or Jordan Peterson?

@Fagan_ODowd is clearly being awkward in the face of the truth. Heā€™s just stirring the pot.

Thereā€™s a few issues that sadly get conflated together when gender pay gap is discussed. People bring in women in the board room and such. They are separate.

Itā€™s often said itā€™s 20 odd cent. That ignores education, experience et cetera.

The truth is that women earn more in their 20s. Then the obvious happens and the gap is opened up.

Thereā€™s a 7c pay gap when they you standardize everything. Thatā€™s where this argument really begins. His argument is about personality types and agreeableness as the reason. You canā€™t say these things out loud but if we are going to go on about machoness and the likes then you should be able to discuss these things.

I do believe men are more ambitious than women and have different priorities generally. When I see a person describing themselves as an entrepreneur on LinkedIn, frankly speaking if theyā€™re a woman Iā€™ll believe them but if theyā€™re a man Iā€™ll question it. Men wants status and power, these days loads of them want to be like dorks like Zuckerberg and Gates. There are some amount of men out there who are utter spoofers about their careers and personal brands. Beyond all that spoofery though, if you do talk enough shite and argue you will generally get better returns.

Thereā€™s a woman I know who works in the start up scene who has always been mad for getting women more involved. Last week she tweeted a photo of a Bitcoin discussion she was at, lamenting that she was the only woman there. Is that sexism in action? Hardly.

Maybe these things will even themselves out over time with a change in humans in evolution. I think thereā€™s legitimate things we can focus on with genders in trying to improve things. Getting more women involved with STEM and encouraging young girls to be involved from primary school. On the other hand there is clearly a gap between attainment between boys and girls at school currently, which needs looking at.

The overall point is that we shouldnā€™t be inhibiting peopleā€™s freedom, freedom to negotiate or to get ahead in life. The idea that we should have enforced salary bands for men and women is ludicrous. It will do far more damage than good.

There is research that suggests that men are more trusting of virtual currencies while women prefer actual currency.


Women are more risk adverse, or in this case just less gullible than men.

Mate - You know e-me well at this stage - iā€™m no where near Alt-right. Most of this chaps stuff is basic psychology based - over-coming fear, anxiety - dealing with relationships - procrastination etc. etc - but on the more controversial topics, heā€™s not willing to let outrage dictate whatā€™s right and wrong and uses years of clinical psychology to show that issues like the disparity in gender pay is not just a straight black and white issue (no pun intended). Iā€™ve no doubt heā€™s also playing it up - but how bad, most of all heā€™s all for debate as long as it is rational and not irrational attacks like Newman the other night.

In some ways heā€™s not original - heā€™s heavily influenced by jung - and agrees with him on the crisis of meaning in modern societyā€¦ Post Nietzscheā€™s ā€˜God is deadā€™ - we have replaced religion with the state in (western) society and in many cases (communism) this has lead to millions of deaths and suffering ā€¦ In a more individual sense, this search for meaning takes on the guise of outrage for outrageā€™s sake in many people - he paraphrases Jung here when he says, ā€˜People dont have ideas, ideas have peopleā€™ ā€¦

I havent checked out if he has spoken about the effects of technology on people - but as a big fan of Joseph Cambpell (Power of mythology) iā€™m trying to draw parallels between both and the shift from meaning in society from myths and stories to consumerism and social media - basically generating a disconnect in people and an out pouring of irrational outage as a result.

Of course I wouldnt take everything he has to say as truth - but itā€™s always to good to listen to dialogue that challenges society - he accepts that there is unfairness, prejudice and misogyny in the world but these things dont solely dictate out comes - that there are many other variables in the mix and he does so using research and leaves his emotions at the door.

one of them is a meathead and its not Jordan.
was there anything specific he said that you think was inaccurate?

Whatā€™s about the pay gap between me and Michael o Learyā€¦ what about the pay gap between doctors and nursesā€¦ what about the pay gap between a person born in ballymun and blackrockā€¦what about the pay gap between that presenter and most other womenā€¦ what about the pay gap between ceoā€™ s (whoā€™s pay has skyrocketed over the last 40 years) and the proles(pay has stagnated in the same period) . What about the paygap between immigrents and nativesā€¦ What about what about what aboutā€¦ focussing entirely on gender is a fucking waste of time and a distractionā€¦ A lot of the middle class lefty headbangers and far right apes same happy to argue over gender and let the status quo remain.


What about gender inequality in the tennis Grand Slams where women get parity in pay depsite spending less time at work and the quality being of a lower standard.