Jordan Peterson 🐐 vs CH4

What drugs are you on???


Where did you copy that from?

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What? The reference to me giving a video you posted a go and not being able to get past a minute or so of it should be a giveaway.

This is a perfect example of you being a smart formidable poster who deserves respect.

But still a cunt.

Means a lot coming from you bud. Xx

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Same old tired shit from people who want to justify their own existence and believe they had their shit sorted by themselves way back “cos i’m smarter”

That’s what you are trying to tell us and are trying to convince yourself of.

I do not agree with all JP’s outlooks but he is a formidable debater and has extensive clinical experience. His lectures are what you should be watching. Not the soundbites.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post:589, topic:25510”]
I do not agree with all JP’s outlooks
[/quote]. List item`

So he gets some thing right and some things wrong, like I said. Grand.

That’s the interesting thing about him and people’s reaction though. Online he’s considered some kind of prophet on one side and an alt right stooge on the other. On the extremes of both sides no doubt but they are all that get reported on. He’s definitely going against the current orthodoxy with some of what he says and its given him a profile he probably never expected but is taking full advantage of now.

There is not a wrong and right about everything fool.

Christ what is with people needing a left or right

People become cocooned in their own ideological shells, usually not very well though out. In fact the less thought out the more cocooned they become

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I didn’t say there was a right and a wrong about everything. What are you trying to say your post is incoherent?


Too complex for most.

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You said he gets some things right some wrong.

How the fuck do you know what’s right or wrong ???

You don’t.

And he is in a far better position than you to make calls on human behaviour

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He doesn’t get anything right or anything wrong so. Are you happy now? You’re talking absolute shite.

I’m not.

You made uninformed generalized copied and pasted bullshit comments about something ypu have no idea about.

So fuck off and stop annoying me

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You should really read 12 Rules, Peterson is very open about his own struggles. In fact that’s his main point, try and fix the things that you have control over.

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Ah, I get this guy’s spiel now.

He’s a sort of Tony Robbins for closet homosexuals, isn’t he?

You have a keen interest in homosexuals, mate. I think you are projecting this interest on to JP.

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JP is the most important man of the 21st century. He’s a prophet.