Jordan Raped by a celeb

Apparently he said suprise afterwards and thus cannot be prosecuted :thumbsup:

Fucking scanadalous.

Going to the press with something like that is a disgrace. She is using such a thing to stay famous because she knows that she has nothing else to offer. Some poor lad will be persecuted about it now.

If she was raped then when why doesn’t she go to the cops and don’t engage in this trial by media bullshit.

[quote=“Julio Geordio”]

Apparently he said suprise afterwards and thus cannot be prosecuted :thumbsup:[/quote]

does peter andre count as a celeb?

“Rape is close to my heart” - Jordan

She needs to be put down.

She is a disgrace.
she won’t disclose it though. She will “tell all” in her new book, which is another auto biography as far as I know.
Is this not her 3rd?

Yours etc,

Isnt this donkeys years old?

Surprised about this she always struck me as the sort of lady who would discourage male attention of any shape or form.

Wonder will this one be pinned on the hun Leslie too?

the last line of that article is also a particularly classy piece of work.

a blight on society.

I think the most disgusting aspect of this entire affair is that female fans are ‘wowed’ by Peter Andres new album.

Surely raping Jordan can’t really be considered rape any more. More like Timmy O’Toole falling down the well.
She’s a cum receptacle. End of story.

Herself, Marsh and Katona should be sent to the gas chamber.

What exactly would Jordans definition of a “celeb” be?

Member of a religious order.
I assume she speaks teenglish to keep up with her market and so, considers men of the cloth to be celebs because they are ‘supposedly’ celibate.


OK then

I’d ride it

It would laugh at your best.

It wouldn’t laugh too much after a punch in the mush.

Yours etc,

So would I but thats beside the point.

"And Jordan revealed she will have cancer tests due to the stress of her marriage break-up. She had surgery on a growth on a finger in 2002. "

so she had a wart removed, so fucking what ?

[quote=“Garda Sean Horgan”]Agreed.
She is a disgrace.
she won’t disclose it though. She will “tell all” in her new book, which is another auto biography as far as I know.
Is this not her 3rd?

Yours etc,

3rd? This may be her 3rd autobiography, but total number of books by Katie Price now run well into the thirties. Booker prize candidates mostly.

Every day I go on to the Sun website to see who is on page3 and every day there is a story about the following: Jordan, Katona, Jacko. Does my f**king head in.

Fair play to Folan, I hope he hit her a few belts while he was at it.