Journey advice Dublin to Westport

It’s actually nearly quicker to go through Longford at non peak times than go round it. Ballaghadreen bypass is the job.

Anything to avoid traipsing across Roscommon.

Slap on the cruise control at 130km/h and relax, simple.

The roscommon way is riddled with speed vans. Plus you’ll be on to the Samaritans driving through there hungover and thats another ticket

Yes but the Claremorris to Castlebar road is shit, though it’s a relatively small price to pay for the smooth driving between Dublin and Tuam.

This is true actually. You’re almost guaranteed to pass a gatso van at least once, particularly as you leave each shithole in the 60 zone.

Agreed, but road from Castlebar to Westport is pretty good. It’s a no brainer really.

Plus the Galway route is only 27km longer but has roughly 70% Motorway.

cc @Big_Dan_Campbell

Castlebar to west port road is an outstanding tribute to pee flynn.
It’s a hoor of a drive from dubberlin, but I drove as fast as I’ve ever driven on that Castlebar to west port road. Its a beaut.

I was a much nicer person back then.
We caught fuck all.
Fortunately he loved the sup.