Judgment Day is Nigh


Stock up on the tinned goods…Get ready to recreate the Stand!!!:smiley:

Spanish Flu, Bird Flu, Mexican Flu, West Nile Virus…I’m not worried.

A select few will get the nod to go to Mother Abagail…Think shes based in or around West Limerick somewhere!!!

Flano is off TFK duty tonight.

I saw flu one day, I fooking battered it.

[quote=“BenShermin”]Flano is off TFK duty tonight.

I saw flu one day, I fooking battered it.[/QUOTE]


Ask me flu,
Me flu says fuck off.

Flano is just a parody of himself these days, isn’t he? Really gone off the boil in a big way.

Flano would kill a parody of himself with his bare hands.

Flano once solved a murder with a paper clip and a half full packet of Tayto.

Ah no dude.

All we need to know is that Kylie is a mong of horrendous proportions.

I love you Alan…

[quote=“Kylie fan”]http://www.independent.ie/breaking-news/world-news/north-america/concern-over-57-flulike-deaths-in-mexico-1719639.html

Stock up on the tinned goods…Get ready to recreate the Stand!!!:D[/QUOTE]

Howya KF, hows tricks?


I love you Alan…[/quote]
I love you too Denny, mad cow or no mad cow;).

How did a half full packet of Tayto survive in his hands

[quote=“BenShermin”]Flano is off TFK duty tonight.

I saw flu one day, I fooking battered it.[/quote]

Tremendous :wink:

Ben knows the score…

Ah Fitzy…Grand…AFR exile area or what…:wink:

The pig ignorant media need to shut up and stop telling porkies about this swine flu. How long more is it going to hog the headlines for?

a case of Swine flu has now been confirmed in the UK. Only a matter of time before it comes over here

yep, little england, always looking across the channel for the next pig thing:rolleyes:

If it did spread over here the results could be offal

i expected more from you pukey