
I can only hope that posters lay off Bugs and take Rocko’s post as prima facie evidence of his cuntish nature.

I don’t think it’s apparent that bugs is a cunt from that email to be fair farmer.

Can’t you read mate?


I think Farmer has misjudged the mood with that abuse of poor Bugs. We’re having a laugh at his expense but we’re not getting personal with the attacks.

Nasty attack on Bugs from Farmer here.

Between Bugs & Barmy ye have assembled a strange bunch

Any chance it was a ‘saucy’ webcam DVD of them both or something. That would change things significantly

Will Jugs be marrying a stripper on this leg of the tour?

It’s Bondage and Bugs who are on tour.

How many women has Jugs raped?




It’s a rhetorical question for fuck sake.

Rhetorical eh?


No, 8.

Dad, do you know what rhetorical means?

Do I know what rhetorical means?!!

Going by the description of Jugs by forum members, I have deduced that this is one of his bastard children.


Ban this Paedo cretin.