Justice for Sidney

This place is part funded by a government grant


Oh right.I didn’t know that

apparently a labour councillor in the Fingal region was able to help @Rocko avail of a grant to fund the place… Rumours that he kept a slice of it to build an extension on his home


Except there are limitations to free speech, and the owners/moderators of TFK establish what those limitations are to protect both posters and themselves.

Whatever about Sidney (and I agree he is generally sinned against as much as being a sinner), the opening post from the reverent Flash this morning contains a claim of an action already taken (not a threat of an action) that is potentially a crime under the Harassment, Harmful Communications and Related Offenses Bill 2017 (has it being passed yet?).

This could easily get the site shut down, which I think most posters on here would regret. Sid should take his 2 week suspension and move on, it’s a light enough sentence considering @hbv has been banned for years.


Maybe @Rocko can post up what he was suspended for as im not trawling through a load of shit threads to find out

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Hbv was wronged by that dickhead from Wexford. Justice for hbv.


I thought @glasagusban was @hbv

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Who is from Wicklow on here?

Edit - I see you edited it

You’ve been spectacularly mugged off by my fast fingers


Twas a genuine question as I never remember anyone claiming to be from Wicklow

Why would you ever claim to be from Wicklow

He made a comment about art raping cancer victims as being his only way of getting a ride. Art had posted before many times about his wife suffering from cancer and the journey she had been on.

I wouldn’t

Why is that strange? People claim be from Leitrim ffs.

And Gort.

Who are you goin to clog up the US political thread with now?

Are you also from Leitrim?

This you mean?

Shut the place down @Rocko

The site was designated a gaeltacht area in 2015