Kev, mugging off TFK since 2008



Unless you are going to share it, please lock the thread.

Ill pm the clique if EG gives me permission

FFS you are better than this pal


Based on the following post and the constant arguments about Cian O’Neill/S&C blah blah, I asked a former Kerry All Star who has numerous All Ireland medals in his back pocket a question. I said I’d been arguing about it rather than just ask a random question.

Question…and Answer!

That post could be from anyone but @thedancingbaby is a stand up guy and will confirm its legitimacy, as he knows he’s getting tickets from the Kerry County Board from my buddy. (Don’t know how DBs friend in the media can’t get two but anyway)…

So, who do I believe??? Numerous all Ireland’s and all star winner or a crack pot who think S&C and lifestyle change can cure cancer and knows everyone bar a Solicitor to advise on conveyancing laws.


@Rocko this is worth a ban

No way, Kev is the heartbeat of the forum


:grinning::the 2 boys are out of order ban material



bang on pal

Show us the next message up in that image

Kev has the fungal clique rattled.


with all the abuse a Kerry footballer would take from those lads if he committed something to paper or made a television or photocall appearance its fucking gas that now the single word of a random anonymous one seems to carry weight. 75% of the players know fuck all, they do what they’re told.
Kev has rattled a lot of cages here in recent months. :smiley:

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He’s rattled his own cage, m8.

You Cork idiots like to stick together.

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Nah, I havent a clue about strength and conditioning or diet or anything, I glaze over at that stuff, this thread is enough evidence to me though that he’s

Going on the internet concocting anecdotes and fictional characters because you feel the need to convince people you are very knowledgeable and successful in your professional role is the sign of a rattled cage.

He rattles his own cage because facts and logic will tell you he’s a simpleton incapable of matching up to his bullshit, every post is further confirmation.


Former? How former? One former ignorant player is the voice of a whole county? Or the voice for all players?

Haha. There are only 2 people bluffing here.

Its admirable that ye are jumping to deflect attention for bandage who can’t seem to be able to handle himself. But are ye that fucking sad that ye spend a sat night cooking up some bizzare fake messages between each other.

This reflects very poorly (and embarrasingly) on all involved.

Sad sad cunts.


I think the former all star is @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy