Kev, mugging off TFK since 2008

In fairness to Kev i wouldnt be surprised if .
Bandage sent a sos to Ebeenezer


Whats an all star?


Do you guys not have them in cricket?

@bandage is a sad cunt

This thread has backfired on Bandage big time

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This thread has nothing to do with me. You’re all over the place since I gave you a taste of your own medicine last night and this thread preceded it in any case. Maybe you’d be better lashing out because the multiple references to me since are a bit boring. Trying to remain measured must be taking it out of you, especially when you’re clearly a volatile and deeply unhappy person.

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As i said, you need to hit rock bottom first.


Not jumping to deflect Bandage, he can look after himself.

I read the thread yesterday afternoon while sitting in the car when the little fella was asleep.

You dismissed Galvin’s opinion and the list of injuries so I just asked the question and that’s the answer I got.

Would I take the opinion of a multiple all Ireland and all star winner over a Walter Mitty character…ah I probably would.

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This is so 2010


Farcical stuff. Bandage calling on mates to back him up. Kev has half the board rattled to fuck.

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I think a formal warning for @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and @Bandage is the next step here. Way too much revision spam and frankly a very low level of attempted humour on display here, pitiful stuff.

@Rocko sort it out please.

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This is pathetic. The Cork lads joining together to try to project their deep-rooted unhappiness onto others. @ChocolateMice in particular has become an insufferable wanker in the past few months.



Great news… I’m back.

Tho many, many posters will find it amusing that you’re accusing me of being insufferable over the last few months.

You’ve become a religious zealot, you’ve turned your back on NFL and fucked the ff leagues and you’ve bored to bollox off us for over 18 months trying to run 5k in sub 25mins…getting others to fight your battles is a new low.


Thats simply you looking for unqualified confirmation. Many players have no clue about whats going on with training. They just turn up and do it.

One of the reasons Tommy Walsh left was because he felt the training and approach was not up to scratch. Quite likely he voiced this too and Fitzmaurice being the type he is punished him accordingly.

Anyway, if you, or anyone else wants to take unqualified bias over sport science expertise, then thats up to ye. Doesn’t make it any less or more true that an ex player said it.

Galvin is peddling his brother-in-laws narrative. A blind man could see that.

Kerry lose last week because of fitness. Thats the underlining fact. And its hurting them like crazy.

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Wonderful Internet researching from Ebenezer 🖒

I agree. Its the low levels of banter that are most disturbing.


The ref was a cunt too though…Crowley was fouled and Sheehan would have drawn the game in injury time if the free had have been given.

Dublin are worthy AI football champions saying that.

the refs bad decision led to Kerry getting 7 points

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Dublin were completely dominant in 2nd half.

Kerrys poor decisions and shooting came from fatigue. They were not conditioned well enough.

Mind you, Dublin win anyway.