Kilkenny GAA thread

I’d love to see him win something. A real sliding doors moment when his Village team lost to Ballyhale in a classic around 20/21 covid.

He was inconsolable

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That club game was one of the very best ones ever in Kilkenny.


Eoin is going well with the Juniors. So…

Will be 39 next December.

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Where are Darren Mullen, Ronan and Darragh Corcoran?

Age means nothing to a player like Eoin Reid.

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Conor Hennessey was a real handful corner forward, Kilmacow had no one able to handle him. They moved Luke Harney back on him for a finish but the damage was done at that stage. Danny Glennon got a few nice scores in the other corner and Colman O’Sullivan got on plenty of ball midfield. Johnny Hayes started brightly for Kilmacow but had no support and faded out of it.

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Luke Harney was some minor. Surprising he never made it.

Junior championship in Kilkenny is strong again this year. Having the likes of OLG 2 & Blacks and Whites at intermediate is weird when there’s strong sides at junior.

Have you a B-bridge team there?

OLG 2 are decent – and will hardly disimprove too much in medium term.

Dicksboro should be Junior with a few years. Have a feeling that we will see in medium term the three city clubs all Intermediate.

Not at minute. But I will get it for you.

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Probably lacked the discipline to keep himself in the kind of shape needed at the top level. Mouthy fucker too, probably not the type Cody would have tolerated bar he had exceptional ability


Not necessarily a good thing. Sign of the times of urbanisation.



The bauld Dan the Man Shanahan still involved.


Darragh Corcoran is in US on break at moment but will be back before long. Darren Mullen also back from US in near future, seemingly. Brian Cody, Rónan Corcoran, Joe Cuddihy (Australia) and Joey Holden (South America) are obviously all away for year. Colin Fennelly is working in Dubai but talking about coming home for knockout game(s). Team will ultimately be down four/five starters for championship. So be it.

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Does Liam Blanchfield not play anymore?

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Thanks for that.

David Blanchfield out for another week or so, I hear.

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Who’s Liam Barron?