Kilkenny GAA thread

It was more like 16 points after 18 minutes to be fair to them.

Next year will be our year

Thomastown win 1:29 to 17 points.

Zach Hammond didn’t start due to injury.

Limerick flying to the sandy lane for the bones off 2 weeks the week after next. That could impact things.

Stephen Donnelly with 1-8.

Worth a run with KK?

Saw him a few times. Does he do something unorthodox with his hands? @Malarkey

Jonjo Farrell is a very nice player to be able to bring into a team last minute at intermediate. Stephen Donnelly scored 1-8 which I presume will pique Derek Lyng’s interest.

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Lot of Waterford surnames on that Mooncoin team.

Patrickswell never bothered their hole in Munster since my time in Limerick anyway. Last couple of wins they went on the piss right up to the Munster match and barely turned up.

Will it be the same this year if they get there?

Wrong thread of course.

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His first touch is orthodox RHOT until he strikes at which point he switches with a cack hand LHOT.


Thomastown superior in pretty much every facet today in the park. They’re a slick, athletic outfit and I would expect them to do well at senior.

Occasion definitely got to Mooncoin, they fluffed a close in free and drove a sideline back out over the line in the space of a couple of minutes in the first half. They have some good underage sides though and should come again. Only a few years up from junior and probably made a final a couple of years ahead of expectation.


Jesus. Another one. He’ll fit right in. Is there any line coaching young lads in the county?

Proper club

Some coaches despise this, other coaches ignore it.

Seems to be far more prevalent in Kilkenny for some reason. It’s notable that none of the Ballyhale players switch hands.


It’s very hard to change once a lad starts in fairness. The prevalence among our county hurlers is remarkable

The fact ye have had successful cackhanders means it’s accepted in some quarters in Kilkenny.

Timmy Clifford is the latest example but would be 10-20% more efficient with a proper grip.

Certainly worth a proper look, yes. Featured for two years at Kilkenny U20, after all.

Technique question: not to my eye. SD is righthanded and rhot but strongly given to backhand. Will need to get a lot more fluent off right side if he is to progress even at Senior club level.

Quick google and could only find a single image of SD striking:

Stephen Donnelly (2012)

SD is obviously very young there but we can see he is rhot striking (and that he has, by body position, only a scoop stroke off right side).

He now favours, because quite tall, a demi overhand stroke off left side.


Would anyone care to list the ones they know?

Timmy Clifford is weirder again. He is not even a grip changer. TC constantly alternates between lhot and rhot in completely unpredictable fashion.

The grip changing is not accepted in Kilkenny. Far from it. But the problem, of course, lies in the glitch not being caught before, say, U11. Hence the importance of quality coaches in a club’s juvenile section. After that U11 point, getting a young fella to go orthodox is really difficult. There are also the perennial questions of parental influence and individual temperament.


I had a quite talented young fella, then U13, when I was U14 manager in 2010. He was grip changing and I did everything I could to get him to amend. Too late. We had a few right ibexes in the younger juvenile section at that point in time.

The same fella was gone from hurling in his early 20s, even though he was in a highly talented cohort and had ability. Started one Senior league game for the club.

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