Kilmarnock vs Celtic

So why not support them if you’re going to support a British team? Or if you’re not going to why have such a problem with them? Genuinely can’t understand it bar some wish to be a junior Kevin Myers.
All other British clubs wear poppies etc fly union jacks etc. Why not support the one with an Irish tradition?
The Irish international team would have loads of lads following them singing republican songs as would most GAA teams. In fairness Celtic fans place a greater emphasis on it and I can see how you wouldn’t like it, but it’s still there with the others and can’t see how it inspires such hatred in ya.

Good post by Rock above there in fairness, will be hard for ya to come back from some of those points raised without rehashing the same tired auld shite.

That was painful reading. I could have edited my post properly but sure you can read through your own delusional shite again.

Of course they can have political differences. Gas tho both sides by and large vote Labour so politically in general very little difference between them. The party mainly supported in Glasgow invaded Iraq etc.

So they can have differences good. Now the party mainly supported in Glasgow invaded Iraq. Well the party themselves didn’t really invade anywhere but I know what you mean. It is of course entirely irrelavant. Do you judge anti-war protests at Celtic games by the fact there was a Labour MP in Glasgow East? Do all people on Hill 16 support Bertie Ahern? I think you’re stretching yourself a little bit?

This is pretty embarrassing. Do you believe in Santa Claus? Comparing sectarianism in Glasgow to the Olympics, films, Catalan independence is hilarious. A more delusional rant you will do well to find

Do you really think that’s a good response? I mean really in your heart, do you believe you did well there or was that just more than a bit of a concession? Do you think you’ve defended your stance on politics and sport with facts and reasoned argument or have you resorted to just random words because you feel like you can’t respond logically? You can be honest with us, we won’t laugh at you for it.

[quote[So the tricolour isnt the flag of the Irish republic?[/quote]

It is indeed. You seem to think it’s the flag of partition. It’s not. It predates partition. Even more bizarrely you reckon it supports the Act of Union. I suggest you read up on the Act of Union. Or would you care to explain how a flag of Ireland is in any way supporting an Act from 1800 that’s no longer in existence?

Orange Order isnt a Church or a religion you mong. Can a Catholic unionist join it? Can a Protestant woman join? No and no - orange order is a sectarian sexist organisation therefore. The Orange Order and its Protestant supremacism also has links to the KKK by the way.

So sexism is part of it too now? Interesting you made this point on the topic of golf. You will no doubt be composing a post right now condemning everyone who has ever played at Portmarnock golf club? Funny I missed your posts on virtually every other Irish pro golfer. Or are certain organisations allowed to be sexist? Do me a favour and remind me how the Catholic Church isn’t sexist too while you’re at it. Or can churches and sports clubs be sexist (but not sectarian) but religious organisations must be open to people of all religions(!) and all genders? Those are some cracking rules you choose to be offended by.

A lot of normal thinking Protestants are embarrassed by the orange order. As such the orange order, orange day etc do not represent all Protestants or Protestanism. It represents a vile form of far right Protestant supremacism not I repeat all Protestants or Protestanism as a religion. I take issue with someone supporting a bigotted sectarian club and then having the delusional gall to hate their city rivals solely because they are sectarian and bigotted also.

Indeed many Protestants are embarrassed by the orange order. Many Catholics are embarrassed by aspects of the Catholic church. I’m sure there are even some Glaswegians who dislike Labour. Unfortunately that doesn’t mean an awful lot really. The 12th July is a public holiday in the 6 counties. Evidently you don’t like the day, I don’t care for it much myself. I’d have a little more time for your moral outrage if you weren’t so stuck up on your high horse about not bringing politics into sport in the first place.

Some good points there Gola. It seems some people (and it’s not just KIB Man) choose to be offended by Celtic. I don’t give a shite whether anybody supports Celtic, I just find it a bit bizarre that someone would go out of their way to jump on the offended bus every time Celtic get mentioned. And still claim to be indifferent.

If Celtic’s Irish roots were good enough for Michael Davitt (and I don’t think even KIB Man could question his Irish republican credentials) then it beats me why some people seem to get so upset about any mention of Irishness. As you said, even if it’s just a small bit more Irish than say Birmingham City doesn’t that make it still a small bit more Irish? And even if you don’t want to support it because you want to prefer Birmingham City, well then fine too. But why choose to cry any time anyone mentions Celtic. You’d swear these people felt a lack of identity with their own clubs or something.

Again the orange order is not the Protestant church. Its not even a part of the Protestant church. It does not represent the religion either only a bastardised supremacist form of it celebrating a medieval battle between two English monarchs. I think you need to accept this before comparing the Orange Order to the Catholic church.

  1. Learn to post properly.
  2. Not everyone in Glasgow supports the same political party. Don’t be so incredibly naive. A first past the post system doesn’t mean everyone in the constituency voted for the winner.
  3. You spoke about politics and sport not mixing, not sectarianism. It was your substitution. Again, don’t worry about rewriting history, just concentrate on the actual text of the posts, not what you’d like them to have said.
  4. I think you need to accept that there are religious organisations that aren’t part of the Church. Trócaire for example. Or the Ancient Order of Hibernians. Or countless others. An organisaton that is organised on religious grounds is, by its very nature, sectarian. I think you might need to look up the word, you’re getting confused by the negative context applying to it in Ireland.

Well done for conceding the sexism and politics in sport points though. A noble point.

Thanks for your time.

Enjoy the last word you will feel compelled to voice (despite having little or no interest in Celtic).

Get the sled

1, 2, = self serving drivel

3 - the central tenet of my argument was that both sides of Glasgow and their diet Glasgow suburbs use football as the mechanism to satisfy their inbred sectarian racist wellbeing. Stick to it not go off on Tony Benn, film, Athletic Bilbao tangents. Your fooling noone but yourself.

4 - Comparing trocaire to the orange order…

The only thing I will agree with is that a nothing game about Kilmarnock beating an also ran in the SPL has been given far too much attention. I’ll leave it at that…for the time being.

why do you think sectarianism exists in glasgow & the Irish diaspora engage in it? do you think that the Irish that emmigrated there were more sectarian than the Irish that went to other parts of England?

Don’t know if ye lads saw it due to Astro, but Brown was brought in at left back which was a bit strange.
Also, when he came on, he took the captains armband from Loovens, who remained on for the rest of the game. Bizarre.

burley made a big deal of that alright

think brown played tonight in drogheda

to close this thread once & for all- KIBs jealousy of Celtic & their passionate fans & rivalry is down to the fact that the english team he “follows” mian rivals are birmingham- unless you come from birmingham you cant understand the rivalry & the fact that birmingham have been so shit for years lessens that rivalry even more for KIB- I doubt many football fans in the world would be in the position where they have no rivals or no team that they hate above all others- everything KIB writes about football is qualified by this fact & this unfortunately skews his opinions

dunoh- do the honours

Some good stuff on this thread, from both sides.

Gas to see cocjtake attempt to jump on the Celtic Bandwagon in order to try and reclaim some credability. :smiley: