Kilmarnock vs Celtic

huh?? the middle east??’re not suggesting mickeeyid was involved??

the occupied 6

That statement is an epic pile of shite, in any other British city they couldnt give a fuck about the Irish ‘question’ and rightly so. Should all sporting rivalries be based solely on the Irish question? Just to pick up your final point, the Irish flag represents peace between the two traditions of green (nationalism) and orange (unionism) on the island of Ireland.

It is the ultimate irony seeing those sectarian bigots waving our national flag at a grotesque sectarian lovefest at a shithole British city wishing death on those of an orange tradition and also Nacho Novo (probably a Catholic).


sigh- no other british city had the mix of unionist & nationalist immigration like glasgow did -

in regards to the flag- the Irish flag is the flag of the Irish you think the unionists have a love of the Irish flag because it has a bit of orange in it. are you suggesting that you & your unionist brethern have such an affinity to the flag of the Irish republic that you dont want to see it brought to football grounds.

So you’re saying Glasgow Celtic supporters recognise and support partition and as such need to bring such flags to Glasgow to reinforce this mindset?

cocktake getting beaten like a dog the last few days, its great to see.

I probably shouldnt have expected a debate on the match when I looked in here…

Now you’re just being silly MBB, I mean, look at the main participants here…

Celtic are fucking shite - they’ve cost me a packet this season. I hope the whole place burns down.

Here is the Daily Mail’s view of the shambles.

Kilmarnock 1 Celtic 0: From Anfield to Rugby Park in 12 months…Robbie Keane burns fingers as he’s sold a dummy

He arrived last thing on Monday, on loan at short notice and having made a long journey so that he could turn out for his new club at Rugby Park on Tuesday night.
Yet somehow Chris Maguire’s transfer from Aberdeen to Kilmarnock did not receive much attention. But Maguire scored on his debut last night and in doing so he made Robbie Keane’s perplexing move from Tottenham to Celtic look even odder.

Keane’s first act in a Celtic shirt was to flash his winning smile at the late-night press conference at Celtic Park on Monday. He was being marketed as a saviour then.

His second act was to sell his Kilmarnock marker a dummy. A question had already surfaced: has he been sold a dummy himself with his latest career move?

Celtic lost to a Kilmarnock team that had not beaten them in 31 meetings stretching back nine years, 29 of which had been defeats.

Kilmarnock had won three games this season and were second-bottom. Celtic remain ten points behind Rangers, who are being run by banks and who have not bought one player in the last three transfer windows.

Keane will have heard half of the 9,308 crowd present last night singing: ‘Hello, hello, we are the Killie boys.’ And he will have wondered, just as his namesake did.

This was every bit as red-faced as Roy Keane’s Celtic debut four Januarys ago, when they lost at Clyde in the Scottish Cup.

Seeing Roy Keane on the outskirts of Cumbernauld that day was as strange as seeing Robbie Keane here.

A re-arranged fixture on a Tuesday night at Rugby Park, Kilmarnock, with a 7.30pm kick-off.
As Robbie looked at himself in the mirror a year and a day ago, still a £20million Liverpool player, still in a Champions League squad, he could hardly have foreseen that his return to Tottenham would so soon be followed by Harry Redknapp’s cold shoulder and a misty night in Ayrshire.

But here Keane was. This former Inter Milan player, the captain of his country, a man who has cost some ÂŁ80m in transfers down the years, making himself part of a club enduring painful introspection in a league in crisis.

Paradise lost.

Had he so chosen, Keane could have been with Spurs preparing for tonight’s trip to another of his former clubs, Leeds, in the FA Cup.

If that thought went through the 29 year-old’s mind on the bus to Rugby Park, then it will surely have done so again on the way back.

Around 4,000 Celtic fans followed Keane south from Glasgow. His presence will have swollen that number and illustrated, presumably, the main reason the club have apparently extended themselves financially to pull off the deal.
Keane described it as ‘an arrangement that suits me, Celtic and Tottenham.’

Celtic is a club known far and wide for its fanbase, a fact it bathes in and trades upon. Who does not think of Parkhead and see 59,000 fans throbbing on an epic European night? Well, those who go there every week, for a start.

They see something different. Increasingly they see empty seats.
For the recent home game against Hibernian — not an unattractive fixture — the estimated attendance was 41,000.

The numbers have to be estimated as Celtic have stopped publishing attendance figures. ‘Unknown’ it says on their official website.

Unconvincing could be added to that description this morning.
Reflecting on the defeat to Kilmarnock, dejected Celtic manager Tony Mowbray said of Keane: ‘At times he made the team tick.’

At times he didn’t. Keane wore the same brand of boots as Wayne Rooney, but that is where any comparison ends.
He was meant to lift Celtic up. They may well drag him down.

That’s not really the point though honey. Nobody said all sporting rivalries should be based on the “Irish question” but you’re arguing that none should be. When you get a chance you might put together a list of what political differences you feel are acceptable as the basis for sporting rivalries and which ones aren’t. Thanks.

When you’ve done that you might take the time to revisit your past posts on the Orange tradition. It does seem a little odd that you previously described Graeme McDowell as a cunt for wearing orange trousers.

and yet he keeps coming back for more


Many would say KIB won’t come back from this, but shur he keeps coming back irregardless. Place wouldnt be the same without him.

Your condescending tone doesnt hide the inaccuracies in your post or perhaps the issues you have with the search function on this site. NCC posited that that sporting rivalries are based on political differences (not just Glasgow). I answered back stating that there doesnt seem to be any political difference based on UK election figures anyway. NCC then came back stating on the “Irish question” there are differences in Glasgow. Seems idiotic to me why in Glasgow they have a ‘sporting’ rivalry based solely on the “Irish question”. This question being hundreds of miles away surely politically Glaswegians should be more concerned with filling in their potholes or increasing social welfare since all that city is is a welfare trap anyway. (The rivalry in truth has nothing sporting about it just a disgusting sectarian bile fest from a bygone age).

Sport should have nothing to do with politics imo and those that mix the two should not be involved. Sport to me is about enjoying the games, playing the games, winning and losing, supporting your side in good times and bad, experiencing high and lows. Sport certainly isnt as it is manifest in a shithole of a British city - Glasgow. Sport is not singing sectarian songs hoping Nacho Novo is murdered by the IRA because he plays for a club with a Protestant tradition (even tho he is almost certainly a Catholic). Or on the other side Glasgow Rangers supporters making an absolute show of themselves in Manchester a few years ago etc etc. As someone who doesnt believe in organised religion of whatever creed I find it particularly disgusting how those in Glasgow and the diet Glasgow’s all over the world hate someone solely because of their religion or their view on the “Irish question” and use football - the beautiful game - as a handy mechanism to vent their diatribites. I hate the Irish link with this British city sectarianism - we have enough problems of our own. Also as NCC was trying to argue - the Irish flag of green white and orange symbolises peace between both traditions - the very opposite of what the Glasgow green berets promote. Or since the tricolour is the flag of the Irish republic are the green bigots supporting partition and the act of union? When you put it that way the bigots on both sides of the divide have more in common than you think.

I also detest the Orange order. Again a sectarian organisation with no redeeming characteristics that has done huge damage to the society of Northern Ireland and still feeds into the us and them mindset. Away from Glasgow the vast majority of British people would be embarrassed by such an organisation. McDowell in his wisdom decided on Orange day, the day that this sectarian order above all other days promotes its vile brand of Protestant supremacism decides to wear Orange pants which I presume was in support of this disgusting organisation. To me it would be like David Duval or some white American golfer wearing KKK paraphenalia on Hitler’s birthday or whatever. Therefore McDowell in my eyes is the same as the majority of Glasgow Rangers or Shelltic scum supporting their side solely because of their religious persuasion and hating their rivals because they are different - sectarian bigoted cunts.

I think Kib man should use [bold] his posts. I never read the longer ones but they always get a big reaction from the people arguing with him.

I’d just like you to answer one point which I’ve never heard the anti Celtic bigots who populate the internet in huge numbers answer.
However tenuous and ridiculous you find the link between Celtic and Ireland surely you have to admit there is one? Even if you were to simply admit that they were founded by a man from Sligo whose statue is out front of Parkhead you’re admitting this one. So it’s irrefutable.
Even this one tiny fact ignoring everything else would be enough to give Irish people more of a link to Celtic than any other of the clubs who are followed by Irish people in any significant numbers. Why then do people get such abuse for following them? Fuck it if you’re going to take the ridiculous step of blindly ‘following’ a club in another country, why the fuck not the one that has some sort of link to Ireland. The tricolour flies at the stadium in an official capacity ffs. Doubt that happens anywhere else.
Fair enough if you’re a league of Ireland fan or hate soccer but a premiership fan giving out about Irish lads following Celtic is like something from Fr Ted. Pure ridiculousness.
I doubt very much you have any reason for following Aston villa beyond a few Irish lads playing for them when you were a young fella yet no one tries to have a pop at you every single time they lose. You seem obsessed by Celtic and their fans though, while at the same time claiming not to care about them.
This bullshit not being able to believe people follow them because of how bad they are and the league they play in is complete horse manure too. I doubt anyone is seriously claiming they’re good these days and stopping following them just cos they’re shit is like something a lad in third class would do.

I think you’re missing the point on the Nacho Novo song you’re so obsessed by too, by the way. It’s simply a ‘say the worst thing you can think of’ type song beloved of all soccer fans. Hillsborough songs, Munich songs, Wenger’s a paedophile etc etc etc, etc ,etc. I’m sure even Villa have a few. Surely teh fact that Novo’s a catholic completely negates your point about sectarianism. It’s pure and simple old fashioned rivalry. They hate him cos he’s a cunt and plays for their rivals.

I’m not a Celtic ‘fan’ by the way. Just admire the club and most things it stands for. Could do without some of the barstool Ra stuff but actually didn’t see a massive amount of that the couple of times I was there. it’s all let the people sing, and this land is our land harmless type shite now, and that was even at an Old Firm.

Fuck me I’m nearly worse than you with the length of that, certainly won’t be doing that again…

To you KKK paraphenalia on Hitler’s birthday might be the same as orange trousers but I’m afraid sane people can see the difference. And while being no great fan of the Orange Order myself I don’t have a particular issue with the existence of a religious organisation or anyone’s decision to support it in a non-offensive manner. They are of course a sectarian order, they’re based on religion. As are the Catholic Church and Jewishand Islam and Hindu organisations the world over. When you condemn soccer players for blessing themselves then I’ll know you just have an issue with religion. Restricting your outrage to one religion is, dare I say it, a touch sectarian itself.

And just to remind you again of your hypocrisy: you take issue with people hating a rival team with a bigotted and sectarian history and reserve the right to hate an individual for wearing trousers that represented his religion. You truly are an adorable idiot.

Where to even start. John Reid the Glasgow chairman said it best around the last time Glasgow Celtic were wearing poppies that the club are a British club with Irish traditions (or something like that). Naturally they supported the Royal British Legion (that enable the likes of Lee Clegg to buy discounted beer as a result).

So what if the tricolour flies at Parkhead. Glasgow Celtic plc shamelessly plays to the green beret brigade when it suits them e.g. press conferences in Glasgow Celtic pubs. If the supporters of Glasgow Celtic plc truly understood the concept of the tricolour - they wouldnt be loving the Ra and all the shite that entails. Fair enough if there are those that support the club because of an Irish link but imo a large number of scum are attracted by the demarcation of religion in a British city which is pretty sad.

Even that much was an effort

That’s gas. Fair enough, KIB man’s post represented the utterances of either a 9-year old or a simpleton but that’s the most comprehensive destruction of someone talking shite on the internet I’ve seen in ages. That said, he’ll be back because he’s one of those ‘I have to get the last word in’ type individuals, even when it comes to topics that he professes to have little or no interest in.

Getting back to the game, I was posting about the lack of structure and cohesion last night and it’s like Mowbray goes with 4 defenders, including 2 full backs who are encouraged to overlap, and then the other 6 are pretty much given free rein with the only instruction being to maintain width and stretch teams. So the strikers drift to the side, the wingers also hug the touchline and the midfield two run around rather aimlessly. It’s no surprise his teams have historically conceded lots of goals as they’re not set up to be compact and organised and the ad hoc nature of the attacking play isn’t conducive to any meaningful partnerships developing either.

As an aside, there’s a director in work who’s a Protestant. He was wearing an orange tie today, the bastard. I made an official complaint to HR about it though.