KR Reykjavik v Celtic

@Rocko, why has the game been moved to Paddy’s Hill ?

I presume Gerry Gannon did a deal with Dermot Desmond.

Fuck me, that KR fan is annoying

Wonderful effort from Commons.

Great effort by Commons. Smashed the crossbar

Another smart hit from Commons. Playing some decent football.

It’s great to see some decent soccer after the last four weeks.

We have a lot of players comfortable playing around the fringes of the box but nobody really a consistent focal point in the box for us.

Sloppy header from Izaguirre there. Did well to get round on the cover but that’s a really poor decision on the header.

Biton injured.

Griffiths isn’t much of a defender when he finds himself back there. Little cameo of awfulness from him there.

Was wondering why he wasn’t on the bench. Was thinking he might figure a bit in this system.

KR enjoying a good spell here. Griffiths has been shit.

KR aren’t far off Celtic’s level.

I’m far from impressed with the last 20 minutes.

This won’t do in the latter stages of the competition

Sorry, I should have put a question mark after my previous post. I was enquiring as to whether he is injured or just not included.

Passing has become a little bit predictable with Commons really the only one showing invention. Need to take on players a bit more too and get more runners from deep going beyond the ball - it’s easy for them to keep their shape when we’re playing in low slow passes to attackers with their backs to goal.

Kris Cummings has been very lively here but everything is a little too intricate.

Stokes should be taken off at HT. He’s been fucking dire.

Christ this is turgid. 45 minutes of my life I’ll never get back. Commons and Van Dyk seem like the only ones who are not still on holidays.