Landlords/Houses/tennants/cunts thread

And the odd ex-landlord looking to score points. Its despicable isnt it?

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Or trying to answer a query.
It’s entirely up to @smark
Personally I’d be looking at it from a pension point of view

I wasnt talking about you flatty. Sure you’ve probably got another house with tenants somewhere that you’ve forgotten about…


Look through to the worst case scenario. It seems to me you’ve decided this is a good idea and are working back from that position.

Ye buy this place with a small mortgage now. Ye don’t want to live their long term. One or other of ye gets sick or loses their job and there is a massive recession. Ye mightnt be able to sell the place, or get the bigger mortgage ye need for the long term house. Kids maybe in the picture and ye stuck somewhere ye dont want to be.

There are thousands of couples in that situation around the country who bought something they thought would do for a few years and the next step would be seamless

Owning the rental property debt free means if you got 800 quid rent youd end up with 5 k a year out of it before any expenses you might have for upkeep etc. You seem to be in good financial position. Is this income worth the potential risk/hassle


Fair and sensible points. TFK seem to have come to the conclusion that this would be a bad idea. I will have to take off my business cap and forget it. Missus didn’t like it anyway.


Also bear in mind that lads such as myself saying it’s a pita have decent pension schemes in place, so our need is different.

It was never a runner then, unless some anonymous posters on the INTERNET generally convince her on big life decisions

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Don’t let tfk influence you.

Loads of people rent houses and it’s grand. If you end up doing it, do use a management company. Have nothing to do with the tenants or letting or any of that crap.

Be carreful with the tax angles. Repairs before you let it aren’t tax deductible. If you buy at the right price, you won’t get much better than 5% anywhere else.


Smark: “Look here, this lad off the internet knows what he’s talking about.”
Her: “Flatty the what?”

So ah one of my housemates is after trying to assault me. Missing the toy show now while I’m gone for a walk FFS :man_facepalming:

Sexual assault?

You okay buddy?

Hope things alright pal. Get out of there altogether. I lived with an utter cunt one time before and it was only when I moved out and lived with a sound person I realised how much of an improvement it made to my life. Like me you might want to make a point of staying out of principle, but you’ll find a better place and you’re better off to move.

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He was working nights and has been on the whiskey since 11am apparently. I only came in the door from work around 7.

Was watching TV having a bottle when he came in and made a jump for me. Only for another housemate being in the room sorting his washing on the clothes horse it could have got messy I’d say.

Told me he’d slit my throat :roll_eyes:

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Rough. Would you be able to bate him?

Get the fuck out of there. Fuck that.

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hope you are alright